Sarcastic F-wad
He posts on the general board a lot too. He likes the drama I think.... Nothing wrong with that
Hey Tits...
I saw you on JustinTV the other day...
He posts on the general board a lot too. He likes the drama I think.... Nothing wrong with that
Hey Tits...
I saw you on JustinTV the other day...
What can I say, I get around.
Haven't been on this board in a while.... any board really for that matter. BUT:squeeze: <<<<this is a great addition. I don't think it was on here before or else it would have been my sign off emoticon
He liked the ESPN board better. He thought it was too agreeable and boring here.
4North is kind of a funny guy. I post on the ESPN MLB main board, too. He once said he was done over there because people were stupid, but then I saw him back there soon afterwards. He seems overly sensitive.
I saw that.
I tried to send him a message at that time to come here, but his profile is turned off, or something like that...
He kinda reminds me of my cousin, who is a Giants fan and is kind of a sensitive guy. Maybe 4North is my cousin and I just don't know. I have a lot of cousins who are Giants fans. Heck, maybe some of you guys are my cousins. I'll have to ask around at the next family party if anybody posts on Sports SportsHoopla and ESPN.
lol, unless you are cousin to an african american cat from somewhere in the east (virginia?) I don't think you guys would be cousins in the genealogy sense.
I vaguely remember him posting a link to a youtube song/video about his little boy.
anyways, I consider the SportsHoopla Giants fans, my Giants brothers from another mother's :caked:
I disagree that it is too agreeable here. See, there's a disagreement right there.
How can we have any disagreements when we are all alts of GP?
You're not allowed to do that here!!!!How dare you shit on this board with your disagreements??? We are all of one mind here, and if you don't like it
that's what the dumbass troll board is for...also it's for doing Tito impressions and fucking with senile jackasses that sit in feces all day long.
Whereas Disney is having to go when you visit the old folks hit the head only to find yourself in line behind four cranky whiners who stink.
For reals, tzill. Going to the Disney board is like that. Plus, you get all these annoying kids tryin' to get your attention. I'm glad we have filtered those out here. There has never been a troll post here, right?
We will have trolls eventually, there is no way around it. If we do not EVENTUALLY broadcast this site to the masses, it WILL die out.
But for now, this is a cool tree-house.
Not so sure that we'll have any lasting trollage....I have faith in Filo....
So you're only 5' 3" tall? Man you must have had one hell of an arm to pitch in college at that height.