Well, fuck it
PM one of the Mods or the new owner to see if you can do it.
HappyBoozin to start the 2nd period would be my guess...
they be boozin' in the booth
Did entry level deals change in this new cba
I don't think so...
well they better win something in the next 2 to 3 years then
The Oil would have burned 2 years of RNH's ELC after this season and will be lucky if he plays 110 games.
im just listening to all these names and thinking man they are STACKED but just not ready yet.... and when they are ready. BOOOM contracts will be larger and cap will be lower
cheerleaders in a Canadian NHL arena.... fuck I still find it embarrassing.
If you bring that up to Oilers fans, they just brush it aside and say we'll pay all our star players the same amount ($6 million) x 5 = $30 million so they'll be plenty of cash to fill in other roster spots.
/The 5 being Eberle, Hall, RNH, J. Schultz, and Yakupov
im just listening to all these names and thinking man they are STACKED but just not ready yet.... and when they are ready. BOOOM contracts will be larger and cap will be lower