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SD State RB Adam Muema


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Wow! Players really want to land on the Seahawks, but this is just a bit much.


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LOL can't knock the guy for wanting to be on the hawks! Didn't Russell pull the hawks name out of a hat prior to the draft?

My question is if he's not drafted cause he quit doing any league related workouts does he get to file a grievance? Maybe an angrily worded letter to the big guy upstairs?


Bipedal Sea Dog
Jul 23, 2013
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Good luck to this kid. Seattle seems pretty set with the 3 guys they have. Can't imagine them cutting Turbin this year and tough to imagine Seattle keeping 4 runningbacks. He's also not big enough to play fullback or anything.

Funny story, but wow. Not sure God made the smartest decision for him.

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aka Raindrop
Apr 26, 2013
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Good luck to this kid. Seattle seems pretty set with the 3 guys they have. Can't imagine them cutting Turbin this year and tough to imagine Seattle keeping 4 runningbacks. He's also not big enough to play fullback or anything.

Funny story, but wow. Not sure God made the smartest decision for him.

I doubt God has sports agent at the top of his resume.


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Not really sure how to react to this story. I don't want to mock the kid's faith, but I also feel for all the kids that would have liked to have a shot at showing what they can do at the combine, but weren't invited while someone who was invited and was seemingly healthy enough to participate decided that he didn't need to participate because God already had a team picked out for him.

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aka Raindrop
Apr 26, 2013
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Not really sure how to react to this story. I don't want to mock the kid's faith, but I also feel for all the kids that would have liked to have a shot at showing what they can do at the combine, but weren't invited while someone who was invited and was seemingly healthy enough to participate decided that he didn't need to participate because God already had a team picked out for him.

My first reaction to this was to laugh and shake my head and think "isn't there some rational friend, family member that can talk him out of this"

And, if this guy is willing to forgo the combine because some deity told him to, then do you really want him on your team? What if God doesn't want him to play on a given Sunday in December?


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Apr 23, 2013
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How dumb is this guy? Or maybe just seriously naive? I grew up in the God culture, but I still worked hard in everything, knowing that was what it takes to be good at something. PC does not want someone who thinks he does not have to work hard or do the required things necessary to be the best. All this God told me stuff is exactly the opposite of PC's always compete mantra. How stupid to tell people you think you will be taken by the Hawks, or any team for that matter. Dumb, dumb, dumb. This is probably the last we will hear about this kid.


Bipedal Sea Dog
Jul 23, 2013
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How dumb is this guy? Or maybe just seriously naive? I grew up in the God culture, but I still worked hard in everything, knowing that was what it takes to be good at something. PC does not want someone who thinks he does not have to work hard or do the required things necessary to be the best. All this God told me stuff is exactly the opposite of PC's always compete mantra. How stupid to tell people you think you will be taken by the Hawks, or any team for that matter. Dumb, dumb, dumb. This is probably the last we will hear about this kid.

Exactly. No other team will take him because he just completely scarred any image others might have about his work ethic. Carroll isn't going to take him because Carroll believes in competing at every level. If he's not going to compete to try and drive the best results at the combine, what's to say he will for the team?

Agreed, this will likely be the last we hear.


Conocido Miembro
Apr 21, 2013
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This story makes me sad. The kid's obviously not all there and that's getting in the way of a great opportunity.


Bipedal Sea Dog
Jul 23, 2013
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This story makes me sad. The kid's obviously not all there and that's getting in the way of a great opportunity.

Maybe, maybe not. Some people take religion WAY serious. I knew a Mormon family once that continued to have well over 10+ kids but could only afford like baked beans and bread for dinner. All the kids were extremely thin and looked mal nourished and the mom was EXHAUSTED 24/7, but the Mormon religion believes the more kids you have the closer to God you are.

They were nice folks and the kids/parents were definitely all there, but they had a pretty crazy religious practice.

I think this guy did this as an attention getter, and while it did that, I think it turned out HORRIBLY against him. I just think he's a dumbass lol.


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This story makes me sad. The kid's obviously not all there and that's getting in the way of a great opportunity.

Right now, he thinks he is doing exactly the right thing. I empathize because I was there myself at one point in time many years ago, but I look back and think how stupid. I guess that is why I had the reaction I had, because I know he will look back on this in the future, regardless of whether he admits it or not, and think, that was a stupid move.


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Apr 17, 2013
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the Mormon religion believes the more kids you have the closer to God you are.

Not at all, but that's ok.

People do things because of belief that sometimes could seem extreme to others. This isn't just a religion thing, as I've seen animal activists send hate filled letters to pre-teens about participating in local county fairs. People do extreme things sometimes in the name of just about anything under the sun (and probably some that aren't).

I didn't even know this kid's name until this came out. He's considered a border line prospect who may not even get drafted before this, let alone after. Whether it turns out positive for him or not, people are talking about him, where had he participated in the combine no one would be talking about him at all.


Bipedal Sea Dog
Jul 23, 2013
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Not at all, but that's ok.

People do things because of belief that sometimes could seem extreme to others. This isn't just a religion thing, as I've seen animal activists send hate filled letters to pre-teens about participating in local county fairs. People do extreme things sometimes in the name of just about anything under the sun (and probably some that aren't).

I didn't even know this kid's name until this came out. He's considered a border line prospect who may not even get drafted before this, let alone after. Whether it turns out positive for him or not, people are talking about him, where had he participated in the combine no one would be talking about him at all.

I dunno man, that's what some Morman's said where I grew up. Mind you all the Morman people I have met in my life have been awesome, upstanding citizens. I would do anything for the Morman's I knew in my hometown (of which I'd rather not disclose because this is not gaybook).

There were also plenty of Morman folks I knew that drank caffeine and alcohol which was also considered a no no of where I grew up.

That all said, if you're Morman and disagree with what I said, I appreciate the feedback. Interesting to know a bit more about the religion.

Completely agree with everything you said about the most important subject in this topic, the player, Adam.


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More than anything, he just put himself in a bad position career-wise. Again, I don't wish to mock his faith, but in very few occupations could you skip part of your interview and then tell your potential future bosses that God said it was okay to skip it because you were going to be hired by this specific part of this company.

As some of you have alluded to, by doing this he's basically told every team in the NFL, including the Seahawks, that he's not willing to put all the necessary work in to get drafted and if he's been following the Seahawks at all, he would know that doing that is not the best way to endear yourself to the organization.

Besides, from everything I've read, he's not a good enough player to be able to dictate where he goes. When Eli Manning refused to play for the Chargers and demanded to be traded, he could get away with it, because he's a Manning and because he was one of the top QB prospects in the draft that year. This kid doesn't have that kind of influence or leverage and saying what he said is going to work against him.


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I'm am completely impressed with the level headedness with the responses so far but I think most of you are trying to be too PC. The way I see it, this kid is either an idiot, a liar, or both.

Idiot: If god told you that a man-controlled event was going to happen in the future, and then you went ahead and told everyone that that was going to happen, then you have completely screwed yourself: God gave us free will. Its similar logic to why you don't tell people what your fortune cookie says, because then it won't come true (except your odds are still fairly good that it does because they're so vaguely worded).
Liar: God didn't actually tell him anything and he is merely using God as an excuses to save face and not have an awful combine to where he is undrafted and if he is still undrafted, then at least he can play the victim card and someone Christiany enough will take pity on him and give him a job.

I have a feeling it is a combination of the two.


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Apr 18, 2013
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Fears for football star who disappeared from NFL combine after saying God spoke to him and hasn't been seen since

"Adam Muema has reportedly not been in touch with his San Diego State coaches since he left the session and did not show up to a training camp, scheduled for after the combine.
Muema, the fourth leading rusher in Aztecs history, missed the combine training session, which saw other running backs compete in drills at Lucas Oil Stadium in Indianapolis, because he said the Lord told him he'd play for the Seattle Seahawks if he took it easy.
He said it was his 'dream' to play for the Super Bowl-winning team.
But he then failed to turn to an offseason 'training base' in Florida, according to U-T San Diego.
A person who is close to the player told the site: 'I have no idea where he is. (San Diego State coaches) have been trying to track him down.'
While he is not believed to have shown up to training, CBSSports.com has reported he did get on a flight to Florida after leaving the combine.
A video producer for the site reportedly saw the player on a flight from Indianapolis to Ft Lauderdale on Monday.
Meanwhile, a tweet posted by a Twitter account apparently set up by the player appeared on Monday which read: 'Yes, you guys are right I am crazy, crazy in love with Jesus it is the sweetest name I know."

Fears for football star Adam Muema who disappeared from NFL combine | Mail Online


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The strange story elaborates that Muema believes he communicates with God through numbers. Muema even went so far as to update his Twitter profile, claiming he is already a part of the team:


He is missing and believes he is on the team,,,,this just keeps getting stranger and stranger.