I like your beard.
They took down athde AND channelsurfing. *SOBS* if they knock out ustream/justin I'm screwed.
It has moved to atdhe.me - back away from the ledge!
Well I feel safer from terrorist attacks
Just wait until you guys have to listen to Anne Murray, all day, every day.
I'll tell you what we'll give you Miley Cyrus & Justin Bieber for Anne Murray & Shania Twain.
Justin Beiber is Canadian, too.
Justin Beiber is Canadian, too.
Did you think that if you did tiny text, no one would notice you already know far too much about Justin Bieber?
How about Miley for Nelly Furtado?
lol... didn't want to shout that one from the rooftops.
no, I kind of like Nelly Potato.
besides, if we took Miley, we'd have a border issue with GagneFire.
They make you call fellatio a trouser friendly kiss...
OMG, screw the U.S government! We need to take a cue from the citizens of Egypt.
Yeah, cause that's the same thing.