I like your beard.
I think the words "Little Caesar" describe him better than it describes the pizza.

I think the words "Little Caesar" describe him better than it describes the pizza.
Red Wings Generously Agree To Accept Huge Sums Of Money From Public
Details about some of the scheming.
Here's the city's contribution to the current project: Detroit Red Wings' new stadium land transfer approved by City Council | Detroit Free Press | freep.com
The essentially free transfer of public land — with an assessed value of about $2.9 million — is the city’s chief contribution to the development. As proposed, construction of the arena itself would be 58% publicly funded and 42% privately funded. No Detroit general fund dollars would be spent; the state is contributing the bulk of the public investment.
Olympia has agreed to pay $11.5 million annually for about 30 years to help pay off the construction bonds. Olympia will own the arena’s naming rights and will keep all revenues from arena operations, including parking fees and concessions sales. The city will not collect property taxes on the arena.
I feel for the city of Detroit, but it's really not in any position to actually fund an arena, had it come to that, which is really the only way it could hope to get rent or additional revenue. That just wasn't going to happen under any plausible scenario. Were the Ilitches smart to tap into a state fund specifically created to fund business development in Detroit? Sure, they were, but one should ask why that fund is there especially if, as claimed, the money could go to education funds. (Again, I'm not supporting public money for arenas and stadiums, at all.)
We can ask why the Ilitches aren't footing the entire bill, which I would prefer they did, but let's at least give them some credit for having bought the majority of the land that will be used for the project, and for actually throwing in $200 MM. Given how many cities and states just build these things for billionaire owners (NFL included!), it's a wee bit refreshing that there IS a private component.
Below is a post from knowledgable poster on the subject from hfboards whom I share mostly the same opinion with on the matter
Yep, Kid Rock and Eminem just exude class.![]()
But light rail and improved public transport could be had for that money.
Yeah, but not all those arenas were built with public money - I know in DC the Verizon Center and FedEx Field were both built with public funds.
The baseball stadium was not and was built with public funds and DC owns it and charges rent, gets some money from the Nats, and there is an extra tax on food/merch in the stadium to help cover costs. It was still a hose job however since DC is recouping only about $35-50 million/year (of the nearly $700 million cost) while paying more than $20 million in interest each year since most of the money was borrowed. With more than $400 million in surplus last year and likely more on the way, the city would be smart to pay off that loan and in 20+ years could break even on the venture.
So...he's taking advantage of the money that shouldn't exist to begin with. *sigh*
So; is 'the Joe' that old/bad/small/incapable of being upgraded?
... or is it just not in the 'good' part of town?
So...he's taking advantage of the money that shouldn't exist to begin with. *sigh*
Does the huge price tag include a starting goalie for the Wings ?
I was just curious if anyone knew what the percentage of Canadian fans attending Red Wing games is?
yea i don't like it either.
but most of the public money is coming from the state, not the city, which seems to be common misconception among a lot of people
the key to this imo is if they can actually deliver on the residential part of the project. if they can get people to move back into the city, i think this could actually turn out to be a net gain for everyone involved
I hope it works out for Detroit, but I really hate Illytch for doing it. Just feels like incredibly egotistical and in poor taste. "Sorry you're all suffering. Look what I have though!"
Sounds like you're grouping Mike Ilitch in with the likes of Donald Sterling. That is incredibly inaccurate. Ilitch is the antithesis of Sterling.
Ilitch has been constantly giving back to the community and his organizations. He's been one of the few who didn't abandon Detroit when shit got ugly. He's been at the forefront of rebuilding and revitalizing the city and he's spearheading this project too. It may not be the perfect plan, but at least it's a plan that can work and he's willing to put more if his personal time and money into it than pretty much anyone else on the planet.