That, my friends, is baseball heaven.
I think they have real bathrooms in Heaven.
SAY IT AIN'T SO CHAPPEE !!!!!!!!!!!!!If that had happened, Yankees fans would still be chanting "19-18". I'm sure of it! He's all yours!
It's the HarvDeGaard era! Kneel in it's very presence...KNEEL gentlemen!
Empty beer cup, pee in cup. Simple!
Willie Wonka was kicked out of a seminary for being to creepy and ghey...yes, it WAS the first time since Peter moved to Rome, how did you know?
Drink from cup, then refill???
Cool Story, Bro(TM) time: when I worked in psychiatric years ago, we had a resident who would pee into a cup and drink it. I once stopped him and asked, "what are you doing?" and he just said, "it's got medicine in it."
I handed him his cup back and said, "Carry on..."