That, my friends, is baseball heaven.
I think they have real bathrooms in Heaven.
SAY IT AIN'T SO CHAPPEE !!!!!!!!!!!!!If that had happened, Yankees fans would still be chanting "19-18". I'm sure of it! He's all yours!
Is @Huwaryu_in_exile still tossing around terms like "the Syndergaard era in Queens?"
It's the HarvDeGaard era! Kneel in it's very presence...KNEEL gentlemen!
Empty beer cup, pee in cup. Simple!
Willie Wonka was kicked out of a seminary for being to creepy and ghey...yes, it WAS the first time since Peter moved to Rome, how did you know?
Drink from cup, then refill???
Cool Story, Bro(TM) time: when I worked in psychiatric years ago, we had a resident who would pee into a cup and drink it. I once stopped him and asked, "what are you doing?" and he just said, "it's got medicine in it."
I handed him his cup back and said, "Carry on..."