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Prayers go out to Chris Bosh...


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Jul 17, 2014
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The Kid is just filthy.

If Shump can play like this on the regular, Cavs are gonna be tough to beat.

Ps. Porter is garbage.

There really was no right choice in that 2013 draft.

Sure, MCW and Olidipo are solid.

But, the next set of guys to play well are all bigs that would never have been considered for the top spot.

Adams, Plumlee, Greek Freak are really good and Len is starting to show signs.

I like Burke too. But, this was a terrible draft class!

that draft was just wretched...i was talking to my brother about this the other night when the suns were on national TV and Len was playing...

if they redid that draft today what would it look like?

we thought it would probably go somethign like

1. Giannis
2. Len
3. Oladipo
4. Noel
5. MCW
6. Gobert
7. Zeller
8. Adams
9. McLemore
10. Burke

Gobert actually might even be higher to be honest....I could even see him being #2..


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Jul 17, 2014
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Wiggy also claims that James doesn't call the shots in Cleveland.
I've said all along that NO owner in the league is looking to trade Wiggins in that situation.
James put his friend/agent ahead of the better long term scenario for the franchise.

listen to what the guys taht report on the Cavs say- national and local

the fact is that the front office WANTED LeBron to be more active in coaching searches, recruiting players etc. but he always refused to do it. Literally- he didnt lift a finger his first time around in anything to do with coaches or players

this time- the coach was already picked-and he has had a more active role of course in bringing in guys like Miller, Marion, Jones.....he - and Kyrie and Love- were actually consulted about possibly bringing in JR...andof course- there are different reports on Love- but i do think was asked by the front office what he wanted- Love or to keep Wiggins- and LeBron said get Love- and that was that...

but it is absolutely a false narrative to believe that LeBron was controlling things his first time....he was asked to - but declined- they asked him over and over to be more active in trying to recruit and get his opinion but he didnt want to...

i mean, you can believe what youwantto- and im sure you will-but tahts the truth

Mecca of the “B” Team

Jun 26, 2014
Hoopla Cash
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that draft was just wretched...i was talking to my brother about this the other night when the suns were on national TV and Len was playing...

if they redid that draft today what would it look like?

we thought it would probably go somethign like

1. Giannis
2. Len
3. Oladipo
4. Noel
5. MCW
6. Gobert
7. Zeller
8. Adams
9. McLemore
10. Burke

Gobert actually might even be higher to be honest....I could even see him being #2..

Subtract Noel and add Dieng, Olynyk.

Yeah...Gobert will be hell on defense.

That's why Katner was tradeable.

I hear good things about Godwin too.

Maybe he will get some burn soon.

Mecca of the “B” Team

Jun 26, 2014
Hoopla Cash
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listen to what the guys taht report on the Cavs say- national and local

the fact is that the front office WANTED LeBron to be more active in coaching searches, recruiting players etc. but he always refused to do it. Literally- he didnt lift a finger his first time around in anything to do with coaches or players

this time- the coach was already picked-and he has had a more active role of course in bringing in guys like Miller, Marion, Jones.....he - and Kyrie and Love- were actually consulted about possibly bringing in JR...andof course- there are different reports on Love- but i do think was asked by the front office what he wanted- Love or to keep Wiggins- and LeBron said get Love- and that was that...

but it is absolutely a false narrative to believe that LeBron was controlling things his first time....he was asked to - but declined- they asked him over and over to be more active in trying to recruit and get his opinion but he didnt want to...

i mean, you can believe what youwantto- and im sure you will-but tahts the truth

On the other thread you said Windhorst was pretty credible.

So, if Bron had Wiggins traded because he didn't sign with Rich Paul that is a serious conflict of interest.

That is exactly what Windhorst is accusing.


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Jul 17, 2014
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On the other thread you said Windhorst was pretty credible.

So, if Bron had Wiggins traded because he didn't sign with Rich Paul that is a serious conflict of interest.

That is exactly what Windhorst is accusing.

I mean- that Love/Wiggins trade is going to be looked at for years and years to come. It was a monumental deal...how many times does the #1 pick that is that hyped get traded for a guy who is a multi time all star player that is barely even entered into his prime?

the fact is though- and MEcca you may remember- the year the Cavs signed Larry Hughes- the Cavs main targets were Michael Redd and Ray Allen- but LeBron refused to reach out to those guys -thinking it was not his job to do so...the front office IMPLORED him to be more active in the process and he never was.

Its one of the reasons why Cleveland fans were so pist at him once he got to Miami and all of a sudden he is recruiting other guys to play with him....all the Cleveland fans wondered where the hell that was here those previous years.

David Griffin and David Blatt are pretty much in no-win situations- if they win its because of LeBron- and if they lose its because they did not do enough.

If anyone thinks that LeBron was the one GM'ing and created the trade exception to get Mozgov here- taht he Griffin basically conjured out fo nothing - they dont understand the game.


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Jul 17, 2014
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Heat fans- is Dragic playing tonight? i see you guys are killing the Knicks.....

I really want to watch that team with Dragic and see how they adjust their pace....Whiteside and Dragic in pick and roll and Bosh and Dragic in pick and pops is going to be ridiculosu to guard

Mecca of the “B” Team

Jun 26, 2014
Hoopla Cash
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I mean- that Love/Wiggins trade is going to be looked at for years and years to come. It was a monumental deal...how many times does the #1 pick that is that hyped get traded for a guy who is a multi time all star player that is barely even entered into his prime?

the fact is though- and MEcca you may remember- the year the Cavs signed Larry Hughes- the Cavs main targets were Michael Redd and Ray Allen- but LeBron refused to reach out to those guys -thinking it was not his job to do so...the front office IMPLORED him to be more active in the process and he never was.

Its one of the reasons why Cleveland fans were so pist at him once he got to Miami and all of a sudden he is recruiting other guys to play with him....all the Cleveland fans wondered where the hell that was here those previous years.

David Griffin and David Blatt are pretty much in no-win situations- if they win its because of LeBron- and if they lose its because they did not do enough.

If anyone thinks that LeBron was the one GM'ing and created the trade exception to get Mozgov here- taht he Griffin basically conjured out fo nothing - they dont understand the game.

Here is my take on the Love trade:

You do that trade every time because the Cavs are ready to win NOW.

Yeah, it might look bad in a few years if/when Wiggins meets his potential.

But, it was the right thing to do.

My only vice is that Windhorst is suggesting that it wasn't done strictly for basketball reasons.

No player should have that type of power over an organization.

That Mozgov thing was likely not Lebron.

Well, he probably didn't insist on MOZGOV in particular. But, he probably told them to get a credible big.

Try to look at this objectively though....

Lebron and Paul are friends.

Lebron and Paul are business associates.

Lebron and Paul started this agency.

Lebron is the most powrful player in the NBA.

Wiggins is the undisputed top choice in the draft.

Lebron goes back to the team that drafts Wiggins.

Wiggins decides not to sign with Paul.

Wiggins is banished to Minny:gaah:

It just looks bad:lol:


Well-Known Member
Jul 17, 2014
Suburb of Cleveland
Hoopla Cash
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Here is my take on the Love trade:

You do that trade every time because the Cavs are ready to win NOW.

Yeah, it might look bad in a few years if/when Wiggins meets his potential.

But, it was the right thing to do.

My only vice is that Windhorst is suggesting that it wasn't done strictly for basketball reasons.

No player should have that type of power over an organization.

That Mozgov thing was likely not Lebron.

Well, he probably didn't insist on MOZGOV in particular. But, he probably told them to get a credible big.

Try to look at this objectively though....

Lebron and Paul are friends.

Lebron and Paul are business associates.

Lebron and Paul started this agency.

Lebron is the most powrful player in the NBA.

Wiggins is the undisputed top choice in the draft.

Lebron goes back to the team that drafts Wiggins.

Wiggins decides not to sign with Paul.

Wiggins is banished to Minny:gaah:

It just looks bad:lol:
to be honest with you me reading that post is the first time i even heard that stuff....when did windhorst write about that?

Mecca of the “B” Team

Jun 26, 2014
Hoopla Cash
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Heat fans- is Dragic playing tonight? i see you guys are killing the Knicks.....

I really want to watch that team with Dragic and see how they adjust their pace....Whiteside and Dragic in pick and roll and Bosh and Dragic in pick and pops is going to be ridiculosu to guard


That's all Napier.


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I think we'll be ok without Bosh and can still be a tough out in the playoffs.

Dragic, Wade, Deng, & Whiteside is a solid 4. Napier, Chalmers, & Bird aren't bad.

I also think they may finally cave in and sign Blatche now with Bosh done for the year


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Apr 18, 2013
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Lakers fan die hard, but I will never wish any bad thing on any other player. Prayers to Bosh to overcome this illness and to recover from all illnesses he may have. God bless him.
Like it matters what team you rep...

Mecca of the “B” Team

Jun 26, 2014
Hoopla Cash
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I think we'll be ok without Bosh and can still be a tough out in the playoffs.

Dragic, Wade, Deng, & Whiteside is a solid 4. Napier, Chalmers, & Bird aren't bad.

I also think they may finally cave in and sign Blatche now with Bosh done for the year

I was just about to mention Blatche.

Maybe even Beasley?

DJ Fieri

Generic line for rent here
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Jun 26, 2014
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This is your post on Dragic the other day DJ on whether you wanted the Lakers to trade for Dragic...so please...the asskissing is just a little over the top.

Fuck no.

Dragic isn't a top 5 PG, he may not even be a top 8-10 PG.

And? He's still better than what they had at PG in Chalmers, Cole and Napier.

Oh.....and fuck off.


Still a Heat fan
Apr 16, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Just putting this out there as a Heat fan. I am getting a bit frustrated by Miami here. The tests for pulmonary embolism are not that complicated. I work in the medical field. I have done some of these tests myself. They know if he has blood clots. They aren't saying anything. Getting a second reading of an U/S, CT, or VQ scan isn't hard. I feel like the team is just with holding information and cant figure out why. Maybe I am wrong. Who knows... I just feel really frustrated over the lack of updates.


The Hawks make me emo
Jul 17, 2013
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Wishing for a speedy recovery.


Still a Heat fan
Apr 16, 2013
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Official now...out for season


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Apr 19, 2013
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Well after making a good trade this happens. Some what feel bad for Miami. They are done now.