I just like to run around listening to the soundtrack. They usually have a great selection.I miss the actual fallout games, not the re-skinned Elderscrolls games that have come out recently.
not sure what to make of it right now. I do love the idea of a Fallout game taking place a little bit after the bombs fall rather than ~200 years later.
I would love that too but I have a funny feeling it's going to be an on-line version which I've never really got into (except for Diablo II for a spell). There's just too much money to be had. Too bad.
Bethesda E3 is almost always the most anticipated.They didn't show any gameplay but they just had an extended trailer at E3 (during the Microsoft segment, Bethesda is later on tonight). I'm excited for it.
i don't know what battle royale esque means, but in that scenario, if it meant aligning yourself with one of the small outposts you come across and building from there, that'd be cool rather than being one of 3 or four factions.If it's online but not battle Royale esque I think it could be pretty cool. Like you're doing your own thing and you come across someone in a battle with a deathclaw or pack of supermutants you can jump in.
Bethesda showed a new trailer during the Xbox presentation.
Todd Howard took the stage and mentioned that 76 will be 4X the size of Fallout 4!!
I still need to beat that. Its Bioshock but with boring weapons and a cool intro.Prey update (released tonight)
New dlc coming soon
I am not familiar with this game, but it looks interesting.