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great song for a montage!It would be freaking cool if someone could identify this 80s song for me. Shazam failed me.
but nope.
have you tried searching for some lyrics?
great song for a montage!It would be freaking cool if someone could identify this 80s song for me. Shazam failed me.
It would be freaking cool if someone could identify this 80s song for me. Shazam failed me.
I knew I wouldn't be let down by the amazing people here. I even have the song in my 9,000+ mp3 collection, so the song was familiar, but I couldn't place it when I heard it on a live365 station.
How did you find it?
Like our healthcare, cdn shazam is much better
/no shazam didnt work lol. I listened to the song and i figured the title of the song is probably “its over and out” or “over and out”. Then i went on discogs.com and advance searched on the 2 titles ... i did “over and out” first because it was more likely. You said it was an 80’s song so i filtered on that decade and it came up first on the search results (velvet elvis album enigma) as the only direct full search hit. Then youtubed it and confirmed it was the song/artist
If you must know, I noticed Lexa Doig reply to a tweet about animals or something, and remembered that she was super hot. So went scrolling through her timeline for any good pictures, and voila.
That being said, in university I made sure none of my classes started too early so I wouldn't miss Kiana's Flex Appeal
or in Vegas at supermarkets.