I need scientific help with this. Can anyone explain the trajectory of the satellite near the Legrange point as it enters and exits the earth's orbit?
Oops...Probably not a picture to keep on the mantle.
I think he carried the ring?I guess Rae Carruth was a little too young.
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So, as a follow up, I think I have a reasonable explanation for the trajectory of J002E3 as it arrives and departs earth's gravity. I just need a scientist like @Darkstone42 to confirm or poke holes in my amateur analysis.
Imagine that L1 (Lagrange point) is an object with mass. It has a smaller solar orbit than the earth, so it should revolve around the sun faster than earth does, but it doesn't, because it's locked into the gravitational "sweet spot" between the sun and earth.
Now, a body away from L1 but still in the same solar orbit as L1 should go faster (angular velocity) in that orbit than L1, so it will look like it wants to move away from L1 (counterclockwise). When you add in the gravity tug-of-war between the earth and sun, the object would also have a "pull" toward L1 as well.
As the object's solar orbit changes, it's solar angular velocity changes as well. In the case of it approaching L1 from inside the L1 orbit, it would appear to slow down toward L1 because the angular velocity would slow, and the earth-sun gravity would slow it down even more.
The reverse is true as it hurls toward the sun upon exit from earth's orbit. Except that the L1 "pull" is fighting the angular momentum of the object as its angular velocity attempts to increase.
In case you're just looking for something completely ridiculous to watch, might I recommend Taskmaster? I have linked the first season (the YouTube channel is run by the show's creator, so it's all legal and everything!), but I think so far the fifth is my favorite (Bob Mortimer and Sally Phillips are delightfully chaotic), though Paul Chowdhry (season 3) might be my favorite contestant so far.
They're also doing HomeTasking during the pandemic, which has been a ton of fun to watch.
Now, all the albums are terrible whether you have been on TV or not.
When you think you are all clear and life smacks you hard.
I'd laugh but my grandmother died that same way. Except a high school marching band playing Louie Louie marched over her body before we could get to her.
When you think you are all clear and life smacks you hard.
I watched that movie yesterday.I'd laugh but my grandmother died that same way. Except a high school marching band playing Louie Louie marched over her body before we could get to her.
Happy Friday everyone :-(