Mr. Knowitall
Imagine if she gave birth to some zombie fetus.
I believe the bite is lethal and hastens the process.
That's what I figured. Another question though, why a bite? Is it their saliva that hastens the process? Or is there just something in their system? Because they hack and slash quite a bit with zombie blood and gore hitting them in the face definitely coming in contact with their eyes and mouth.
I'm just being an asshole now, I know.
That's what I figured. Another question though, why a bite? Is it their saliva that hastens the process? Or is there just something in their system? Because they hack and slash quite a bit with zombie blood and gore hitting them in the face definitely coming in contact with their eyes and mouth.
I'm just being an asshole now, I know.
Oh man... I don't have cable yet where I'm at. Hope I can get last night's show on iTunes when I get home. Chomping at the bit to know what happened, but can't read posts to avoid the spoilers. Although I imagine we have just a lot of rising action so far.
if you were being a TRUE asshole you would be questioning Ricks groups amazing sniper-like marksmanship abilities
lol, true. Rick did almost get shot by the chick with the Dennis Rodman hair.
I dont think andrea is pregnant its been months since she had sex with shane.
nothing to do with shane .... I just figured her for a slut
lol. Im curious as to why she is so ill. it cant be from the farm still? unless SHE got bit (it can take time I suppose) but its hard to say.