The odds of someone somewhere on Earth getting struck by the NASA satellite are 1 in 3,200. But any one person's odds are astronomically lower -- 1 in 21 trillion.
So now if someone is feeling suicidal we're supposed to tell them to stay away from sharp satellite parts?
If I happen across some random space debris, I am totally picking it up. I can deal with some lacerations if it means I get a piece of space junk. My apartment would be made just so much more epic by space junk.
I wonder what one could get for sattelite debris on Ebay. Probably more than for an empty pizza box.
Has anyone seen my baseball mitt? I want to field this one.
I agree that would be a kick ass piece of decor.
Also, this idiot can't even spell satellite. What a mOron.
If I happen across some random space debris, I am totally picking it up. I can deal with some lacerations if it means I get a piece of space junk. My apartment would be made just so much more epic by space junk.