Lifelong Cynic
No love for Greenland ?
They're officially part of Denmark, so they're included by default

No love for Greenland ?
Detroit And Baltimore should make a joint bid to host the games. The could build a nice Olympic village midway between in Cleveland.
That would be the safest thing to do.
If they weren't on high alert prior to these events, Boss, they should be now. I hope the Games go off without a hitch and no blood is spilled.
Have to believe they will try and attack Sochi though during the games. Most of these terrorists don't care who or how many they kill, including themselves.
Have to believe they will try and attack Sochi though during the games. Most of these terrorists don't care who or how many they kill, including themselves.
True but if you go by Sun Tzu, better to attack the vulnerable places first. Then again, IDK if the terrorists go by Sun Tzu.
Everyone goes by Sun Tzu.
Going on Surprise and knowing the enemy, they would be foolish to attack Sochi. Russia is looking out for it and dedicating massive resources to it.
Somewhere else in Russia though? Yeah. Something's gonna get hit.
"Appear at points which the enemy must hasten to defend; march swiftly to places where you are not expected."
"You can be sure of succeeding in your attacks if you only attack places which are undefended."
The Doobster thinks Sochi will be fine, it's the rest of Russia that should live in fear.
the security measures that russia are taking (ie not allowing unauthorized vehicle traffic into a 100 km zone around Sochi starting 1 month prior to the Olympics beginning) are overwhelmingly telling
they know the terrorists want to make a splash on the international level
i agree w/ jstew.. they might attack the rest of russia too, and with more success.. but worldwide terror is achieved by hitting major events with lots of coverage. if they're trying to make a statement, they will try to attack the olympics.
you can quote the art of war all you want ... this aint war ... its terrorism ... its all about achieving maximum fear on a global level ... hitting other parts of russia wouldnt be the end goal