Kimmo Forever
I figured as much. Would you like me to explain?
Do I want you to?
Wicked bad sunburn. Really, really, really bad.
I doubt that is the only thing, either
I've always said "wicked."
Down Low aka DL.
It's when you're secretly gay but you try to maintain the image of a heterosexual lifestyle. You may be married to a woman but you keep your sex with other men "on the down low."
Ah, I once got a sun burn on my back so bad I could barely walk.
Has it started peeling yet?
Rude! And not true! I didn't get any in Boston.
Rude! And not true! I didn't get any in Boston.
And now I know. Thanks. Also, this.
Then you're from Boston
And Mr. Maine still obsessed over you? damn!
No I just have kind of an unusual speech pattern. I get asked where I'm from a lot.
I say "ya'll" a lot too.
That's why I'm just lying down. It's hard to walk.
It hasn't started peeling yet, it's only about 24 hours old. It is gruesome though. I was crying last night.
I have the same thing. Minus the "ya'll." Also, folks usually think I'm from the midwest.
I didn't get any in Boston.
Take a cold bath. It makes it feel better