ND 14 UM 45
Oh, and happy birthday to the little horsie. 

Today's his birthday?
I'm not lurking, I'm just not really paying attention
Bored like me, huh.
I don't know why I just thought of this concidering I had this conversation a week ago, but I got into a converstation with a few guys and for some odd reason someone brought up the fact that they needed to shave their thighs, not their legs but their thighs. I thought it was kinda odd, but he said he had hairy thighs and they looked weird. It was just a bit odd to me, but to some of the other guys they thought it was the wierdest thing they had ever heard and that it was kinda gay. What's your opinons on this odd topic that I've brought up because I'm bored
I don't know why this reminded of a dream I had a couple of days ago, but anyway there I was coming down the stairs and snowflakes were blowing into the room. Turned out the window was open because my sister had placed some cupcakes in the window to cool off. I distinctly remember sitting down across the room and told myself I wasn't going to eat a cupcake because that would piss her off. A couple of minutes later I looked at my hand, and 'lo! There was a half-eaten cupcake though I know I didn't get up. I looked up from where I was sitting, and sure enough...the tray was missing a cupcake. What's your guys's opinions and thoughts about this strange dream that I've brought up because Ritari's odd story reminded me of a peculiar dream that I've brought up because I'm also bored?
Did not.