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Baseball player or Beach Boy?
Baseball player or Beach Boy?
Seriously, workaholics is amazing
I wore my brand new Giants neon green plaid fitted trucker hat today!
Here is the problem with every episode I've seen of Always Sunny. Someone says something, then someone repeats back exactly what they said except outraged, repeat repeat repeat.
Spelling isn't important because I suck at it and I has had alcohol, but yes.
You're such a Hipster!
I don't know!
All that aside, every part of me loves Charlie.
I know.
Sympathetic and loveable really says it. I love the kind of humor that will have Denis and Dee scheming up a bad plot and Charlie and Mac, despite their stupidity and lack of seriousness, take it to heart and put them down.
I kind of enjoy how they basically form into different "teams" in each episode and they are almost always different.
It is all that you can ask for in a comedy show.
Also, Scrubs anyone?
Btw, funny avatar 4706. Even Pugel Dogsyuk likes it.
You know I love scrubs $&)^, we talked about it on 90's night
Hell yeah. Zach Braff is awesome.... though he kinda disappeared.
That "New Scrubs" they tried to do was terrible though.