I'm So High Right Now
When it comes to her mother I want to stay out of it as well
I'm closing in on 800 posts in this thread. =)
Long distance sucks becuase you have all the emotional part of the relationship with little to no physical. Guys are physical, girls are emotional
didn't you just have 700?
I think what ultimately killed mine is that I might be the driest, blandest, most monotonous phone converser ever. Everyone says I'm painful to talk on the phone to, and I think it's because I'm usually in pain while talking on the phone. It's right below driving on my "things I hate to do" list...
...Driving is way up there.
why to both?
Be careful with that fire-breathing. You'll burn off that mustache of yours...
sometimes I think she is testing me and really isn't mad...won't ever know for sure, but I hate it when women test us
I've always tested well
That happens?
oh it happens, and the fact that you don't notice it means that you've already either passed or failed....probibly passed, you seem like a good guy Chris
Edit: unless you mean my situation and not testing in general?