night sirs may sound stupid nazzy but if you drinksome warm milk it releases a chemical that will make you tired me i drank to much at my wifes bday so im a bout shot
Yeah I thought it sounded pretty stupid the first time I was told that now I drink milk before bed every night that and doing something really boring when you are about ready to fall asleep I play mahjong or a word game on my phone just don't do something enjoyable otherwise a regular season devils game from 95 will do wonders for making you sleepy lol
Congrats again ritari will be rapping you as soon as I get a reset.I owe you rep to darkstone for getting me hooked on grapefruit again I think its kept me from getting sick like everyone else around me.
As I've said, tomorrow will suck as far as me being tired, but I really don't care. Tonight was too awesome. I'll trade sleep for a championship anyday
Well, better get to bed. Earlier wake-up call tomorrow. Congrats again, Tyler! And if pix, Chris, or any other Steeler fan wander in, congrats in a great season!