Unreliable Narrator.
One thing I didn't like with Norton as Lionel: Norton always looks smart. And Lionel is supposed to look dumb. I also envisioned Lionel as sort of a hulking brute, don't know if that was in the book or not but that's what's in my mind's eye.
After watching Repo Men tonight, I think Forest Whitaker would be great in the role. He's already got that nervous tick thing going on, tourettes wouldn't be much of a stretch for him. He's got the physical presence. No real reason Lionel couldn't be black.
Inspired casting, really.
I think of the beginning of The Score where Norton acted mentally challenged and that why I think Norton would be good. Honestly I cannot remember Lionel's size, I seem to remember him being strong.
There was a report of Norton changing the time from the present to the 40s in his screenplay. I wasnt happy about that but I guess it really doesnt matter that much.
Whitaker would be fine, hes good in just about everything he does.