Last time I got a cold, an old Korean guy told me to do a shot of soju with red pepper in it.
Whiskey and a doobie.
Take a mild dose of whichever pain medication you prefer.
Then a Old school hot-toddy....
Warm-up 1/2 bottle of ginger ale on the stove, either squeeze 1/2 an orange or dump some orange juice into the ginger ale, add 1 tablespoon of sugar. (if you have molasses use instead of sugar) Warm until just before it boils, shut off the heat and pour 2-3 shots of Jack Daniels or your own prefered wiskey into the mix. Soon as it's cool enough to drink, finish it quickly.
Wrap-up and see you in the morning!!! Works great!!!
Can't go wrong with Nyquil...I also heard that Alka-Seltzer Cold & Flu works well too (fast acting).
Alka-Seltzer has the effect of drinking Vick's Vapor Rub. It's not long lasting, but if you take it right before bed, your symptoms will be subdued long enough for you to fall asleep. I love the stuff.
I forgot to mention that not only does garlic help prevent a cold, it also keeps the Vampires away.
I lay on the couch and bitch at anybody who walks by. I don't feel better, but at least I drag people down with me.
if you go to a doctor, get the codeine cough syrup (they can mix in stuff for stuffy nose, etc)
if not, I like to take a Neo Citron at night, with some rum and honey to sweeten it up a bit.