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One last thought about the Raiders/Fans


Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 1,000.00
Fav. Team #1
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Fav. Team #3
By now the Raiders are in the Broncos' rear-view mirrors, and the team is focussing on the Eagles. As a fan, I have the luxury of reflecting on a recent win unlike the team does. I never get tired of seeing the Broncos embarrass the Raiders. Before I shift from week 3 to week 4, I do have one last thought about the Raiders, though it's more about their fans.

I mentioned I like to read commentary and analysis by writers and fans of the other team. One thing that has always driven me crazy about Raiders fans is when they refer to their team as "the Silver and Black." For example, "On Monday Night when the Silver and Black line up against the Broncos..." I get it when the call the Broncos the Donkeys. Hell, I think that's funny. But call your team by it's name! Otherwise you just sound...dorky. Especially since the Raiders suck. You don't hear too many Broncos fans running around referring to the team directly as "the Orange and Blue." I only really hear this on a consistent basis with the Raiders fans. And it is as dorky as it gets.

I just needed to get that off my chest. Thanks for listening. Go Broncos!