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Observations from the game


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Jul 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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So I thought we could have one thread to kind of talk about the game and what you saw good or bad from our team...

A few of mine are I was very impressed with our OL. It wasn't just that Peyton didn't get hit it was that they weren't even close. I think there was a couple of times Peyton got happy feet because the timer went off in his head that they should be there but they still weren't close. Kudos to the coaching staff and OL for being prepared for this game. Now the run game obviously left a lot to be desired but at the same time they did enough to keep the Chiefs guessing and honest throughout the game. Also have to say I think by the end of the year Ball will be our best pure running back on the roster. Moreno will still be the best all around guy but on just running alone Ball is really starting to prove himself.

Around that same note Peyton's ankle looked perfectly fine throughout the game. Yes he didn't get touched a whole lot but it didn't look like he was favoring that leg at all. I would say only one throw where he tried to turn his whole body to make a pass did I even see any kind of signs that it limited his ability on the field. Definitely good news moving forward.

Have to tip my hat to the defense as well on this one. They overcame what could have been a game turning turnover by forcing one of their own. They had a very nice goal line stand. Other than a couple of big plays kept the Chiefs offense very much in check and for the first time all year Jamaal Charles was held under a 100 yards of total offense! That is just downright impressive.


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Jul 22, 2013
Somewhere out West....
Hoopla Cash
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So I thought we could have one thread to kind of talk about the game and what you saw good or bad from our team...

A few of mine are I was very impressed with our OL. It wasn't just that Peyton didn't get hit it was that they weren't even close. I think there was a couple of times Peyton got happy feet because the timer went off in his head that they should be there but they still weren't close. Kudos to the coaching staff and OL for being prepared for this game. Now the run game obviously left a lot to be desired but at the same time they did enough to keep the Chiefs guessing and honest throughout the game. Also have to say I think by the end of the year Ball will be our best pure running back on the roster. Moreno will still be the best all around guy but on just running alone Ball is really starting to prove himself.

Around that same note Peyton's ankle looked perfectly fine throughout the game. Yes he didn't get touched a whole lot but it didn't look like he was favoring that leg at all. I would say only one throw where he tried to turn his whole body to make a pass did I even see any kind of signs that it limited his ability on the field. Definitely good news moving forward.

Have to tip my hat to the defense as well on this one. They overcame what could have been a game turning turnover by forcing one of their own. They had a very nice goal line stand. Other than a couple of big plays kept the Chiefs offense very much in check and for the first time all year Jamaal Charles was held under a 100 yards of total offense! That is just downright impressive.

Denver out-defensed the vaunted Kansas City defense last night!!!:suds:


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Jul 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Got to love the Broncos did to the Chiefs exactly what they have been doing to other teams all year. Play great defense holding teams to 17 or less points, play field position, and try not to turn the ball over. Only thing we didn't do last night that the Chiefs have been doing all year is force more turnovers and get a defensive touchdown. Maybe next time.


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Sep 16, 2013
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Denver out-defensed the vaunted Kansas City defense last night!!!:suds:

After 8 games for both teams I predicted the Broncos defense would be better than the Chiefs in the second half of the season. So far I am right.


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Jul 12, 2013
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Well played game by both teams, though KC missed a few plays that they needed to make in order to change the outcome. Very impressed by our pass protection. I didn't expect our OT's to pitch a shut out. Definitely like our chances going forward if we continue to play as well as we did last night. Obviously we have two more huge games the next two weeks.


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Jul 11, 2013
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One of the best parts of the game, I thought, was the fact that we continued to run the ball even though we weren't breaking off huge chunks of yards. I think that played in big in the 2nd half as it really kept KC honest. Knowshon was really grinding last night. That is one tough dude.


Broncos Fanatic
Apr 18, 2013
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One of the more conservative game plans that I've seen out of the Broncos. I've been speculating that this approach may have been employed to provide more protection for Manning and/or in preparation for the playoffs. The Broncos were really trying to establish the run and I felt like they were pretty comfortable with just maintaining a 7-10 point lead vs. aggressively trying to score all night. I suppose that could just look that way due to KC having a tough defense.

As has been stated, I was very impressed with our defense. The Chiefs don't have a prolific offense, but our D really shut down some components of what they do well. Aggressive, attacking D from the Broncos. I like where that unit is headed.

Can't wait for next Sunday. Always tough to go into Foxboro and beat the Patriots, but I like our chances. I'm even more confident that this Broncos squad can beat the Chiefs in KC the following week.

Go Broncos!!



Well-Known Member
Jul 22, 2013
Somewhere out West....
Hoopla Cash
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One of the more conservative game plans that I've seen out of the Broncos. I've been speculating that this approach may have been employed to provide more protection for Manning and/or in preparation for the playoffs. The Broncos were really trying to establish the run and I felt like they were pretty comfortable with just maintaining a 7-10 point lead vs. aggressively trying to score all night. I suppose that could just look that way due to KC having a tough defense.

As has been stated, I was very impressed with our defense. The Chiefs don't have a prolific offense, but our D really shut down some components of what they do well. Aggressive, attacking D from the Broncos. I like where that unit is headed.

Can't wait for next Sunday. Always tough to go into Foxboro and beat the Patriots, but I like our chances. I'm even more confident that this Broncos squad can beat the Chiefs in KC the following week.

Go Broncos!!


At least the Patriots will be on short rest.


Well-Known Member
Jul 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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At least the Patriots will be on short rest.

Yeah this is one of the few times I feel like the schedule makers actually gave an advantage to a top tier team against the Patriots. Usually they get those teams after bye weeks or when they are on short rest so nice to see at least a small advantage go the Broncos way with it being a short week for the Patriots.

More importantly for the Broncos success (hopefully) is that Peyton finally had a clean game. I think I only remember one hit and that was in the 1st quarter where he popped right up. Have to give credit to the Chiefs players for not trying to take some cheap shots on Peyton like he has been seeing over the last couple of weeks with teams leaping at his legs.


Apr 17, 2013
Appleton, Wisconsin
Hoopla Cash
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The Broncos defense played very well against a limited Chiefs offense that had way to many plays that were out there to be made. Some passes and plays that I belive the Chiefs should have caught and made. The forced fumble and goalline stand was the difference in the game. As for the offense very conservative and I agree with some posts that Denver thought a 7 pt to 10 pt lead was enough. The o line on pass protection was great and the run blocking was average at best but at least they stuck with it. 1st place and on to New England. Go Broncos!!


Well-Known Member
Jul 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Couple of negative observations just to keep a level head in all of this.

Too many stupid penalties last night. Ihenacho why in the world are you talking smack to Charles who actually beat you on the play but just couldn't make the catch? Then throw in the false starts that just seemed to throw our Offense out of rhythm when they happened.

Trendon Holiday fumbles a punt return...This seems to be a weekly event now. I know he is a dangerous weapon and a nice one to have in the arsenal but it seems to me I expect him to fumble more times than for him to actually make a nice play for our team lately.


May 1, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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The conservative game plan and focus on running the football both helped protect Manning as well as minimized the Chiefs defense from having that many opportunities for a big play. That defense is aggressive and goes after the ball and if you are not throwing it over the middle or across the field where it can be picked off, and run it more you are talking those opportunities away.

We were efficient and careful with the football, glad to see Manning not forcing throws into double coverage as he has been the last few weeks.

Solid Job by Moreno and Ball got some confidence with TD's in short yardage and Red Zone carries.

Totally agree on the penalties. Some were because it was a big game, almost a playoff atmosphere last night and emotions were running high. Need to clean that up though.

But I saw more BS defensive holding calls on pass plays where the foul called was not even the intended receiver. Some were legit, some were BS.

By the way, I thought the Taunting call on Ihenacho was BS. He didn't bump him and who knows what he said but they were both jaw jacking at each other as they walked back.

Since when is trash talking a penalty if you don't get in their face or stand over them taunting?

Refs were trying to keep the Chiefs in the game last night, that was for sure.


Well-Known Member
Jul 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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The conservative game plan and focus on running the football both helped protect Manning as well as minimized the Chiefs defense from having that many opportunities for a big play. That defense is aggressive and goes after the ball and if you are not throwing it over the middle or across the field where it can be picked off, and run it more you are talking those opportunities away.

We were efficient and careful with the football, glad to see Manning not forcing throws into double coverage as he has been the last few weeks.

Solid Job by Moreno and Ball got some confidence with TD's in short yardage and Red Zone carries.

Totally agree on the penalties. Some were because it was a big game, almost a playoff atmosphere last night and emotions were running high. Need to clean that up though.

But I saw more BS defensive holding calls on pass plays where the foul called was not even the intended receiver. Some were legit, some were BS.

By the way, I thought the Taunting call on Ihenacho was BS. He didn't bump him and who knows what he said but they were both jaw jacking at each other as they walked back.

Since when is trash talking a penalty if you don't get in their face or stand over them taunting?

Refs were trying to keep the Chiefs in the game last night, that was for sure.

I agree the penalty was pretty ridiculous considering the magnitude of the game and the fact that they are major rivals some of that trash talk is going to happen. The Broncos though this season (or better yet Vickerson) have found themselves in the middle of some stupid penalties this season because they have tried to intimidate the opponent. Now I do like the fact that they are showing they won't back down from anybody but there are times when things like this cost us games. Just look at the stupid penalty on Vickerson bumping Luck. Yes Luck flopped and it shouldn't have been a penalty but Vickerson shouldn't have even touched him knowing our offense was about to get the ball back in great field position with a chance to win the game instead we give them a first down because our guy wanted to get a little bump on Luck that wouldn't have intimidated a fly anyway.


May 1, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Agreed that they have to be smarter and not draw attention form the refs and flags for doing or saying something dumb.

But as inconsistent as the calls are from officials, it is just maddening to see penalties called for things that happen all the time without a flag.

No Flag on San Diego for hte late hit on Manning late in the game when he was obviously trying to target Manning's ankle, yet in Yesterday's Saints 49ers game, Drew Brees gets a tickle and "FLAG" game changing penalty.


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Jul 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Agreed that they have to be smarter and not draw attention form the refs and flags for doing or saying something dumb.

But as inconsistent as the calls are from officials, it is just maddening to see penalties called for things that happen all the time without a flag.

No Flag on San Diego for hte late hit on Manning late in the game when he was obviously trying to target Manning's ankle, yet in Yesterday's Saints 49ers game, Drew Brees gets a tickle and "FLAG" game changing penalty.

It really is very inconsistent from week to week in the NFL. I would say the Chiefs Corners played us very similar to how the Colts played us but they actually called a few defensive holding calls in this one compared to the Colts game where our players were almost giving pony rides to their guys and getting no calls. I'm not saying one way is better than the other in how to call a game just wish there was better consistency in how that is called.


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Jul 22, 2013
Somewhere out West....
Hoopla Cash
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Agreed that they have to be smarter and not draw attention form the refs and flags for doing or saying something dumb.

But as inconsistent as the calls are from officials, it is just maddening to see penalties called for things that happen all the time without a flag.

No Flag on San Diego for hte late hit on Manning late in the game when he was obviously trying to target Manning's ankle, yet in Yesterday's Saints 49ers game, Drew Brees gets a tickle and "FLAG" game changing penalty.

You referring to the clothesline tackle that nearly took Brees' head off? Not sure I'd consider that a tickle.


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Sep 16, 2013
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The penalty on Ihenacho was as big a load of horse shit as I've ever seen in an NFL game. How do they not call Flowers for his numerous and flagrant shots on Welker, but give the Chiefs a 1st down and half the distance to the goal because he was jawing with his guy? I have never watched an NFL game where that kind of thing does not happen in between just about every play. Why did that warrant an unsportsmanlike penalty? It didn't.

I read today that this season 5 games have featured 22 or more penalties, and that last night's crew has officiated 3 of those 5. Sometimes these refs just like to be a bigger part of the game, I guess.


May 1, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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You referring to the clothesline tackle that nearly took Brees' head off? Not sure I'd consider that a tickle.


Wasn't a clothesline. He grabbed him around the chest and gripped the other shoulder pad. and pulled him down. He let's him go as he was going down and did not slam him into the turf.

The hit was not on his head, or below the knee where it is illegal.

He did not horse collar tackle him either.

He did not use his helmet or shoulder pad even, just his arm.

They threw the flag just because it was a QB and it looked pretty nasty with the head jerk from the change in direction, but jesus h christ on a popsicle stick, should we just put flags on them and be done with tackling>?


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Jul 22, 2013
Somewhere out West....
Hoopla Cash
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Wasn't a clothesline. He grabbed him around the chest and gripped the other shoulder pad. and pulled him down. He let's him go as he was going down and did not slam him into the turf.

The hit was not on his head, or below the knee where it is illegal.

He did not horse collar tackle him either.

He did not use his helmet or shoulder pad even, just his arm.

They threw the flag just because it was a QB and it looked pretty nasty with the head jerk from the change in direction, but jesus h christ on a popsicle stick, should we just put flags on them and be done with tackling>?
I've seen it, and though it was unintentional, he does make contact with the neck/lower head of Brees with his bicep/upper arm. And on top of that , the replays I've seen show his other hand at the back of Brees' helmet.

Just like grabbing a face mask is still a penalty, whether it's intentional or not.