Bengals......?......Unless a fan of that team wants them, after that I dont care who you give me........
Hopefully you'll check in from time to time to see how the guy drafting for the Raiders is doing.
Had Bengals last two years but ill take whwtever.
You can keep the Bengals, i'm sure @wood20ks would be fine picking another team.
DC,you are more than welcome to keep the Bengals......Im fine with whoever...but,if no one cares.Ill take the Ravens again if no other Baltimore fan wants to join.....
They're big clownshoes to fill, don't let the pressure get to you, like it did me last year.Every kids dream. Fear not, I only draft very specific players that fit my system.
it doesn’t matter to me . I am a Broncos fan so if you want the Bengals it realky is no biggie to me. @wood20ks