is a little bit warmer
Anyone who dislikes Cleveland, the Ravens & basketball is alright in my book.
Your team?
Good call. Forgot about him!
atleast you didn't call 46 a Pens fan....![]()
puleeease, you didn't have to deal with 2+ years of MD falloutThe abuse I take on these boards......
I am the Quintin Laing of Caps fans on this board......
Vancouver Canucks fan here!
Anyone who dislikes Cleveland, the Ravens & basketball is alright in my book.
Anyone who dislikes Cleveland, the Ravens & basketball is alright in my book.
I grew up near Baltimore, I root for the Capitals, and I love Cleveland and Cavaliers' basketball. Man... you're gonna hate me. ; )
No, Skins fan. But I'm not doing well on all the other cards.
1. detroit red wings
grew up in the detroit area until 84, the dead wings era. but didn't really start watching hockey till 92, so i just started watching the only team i had ever heard of, expecting them to still suck. how lucky am i that they just happened to be good, and have not missed the playoffs since i started watching.
2. washington capitals
oddly enough, grew a closeted crush on the caps during the 98 finals against the wings. i really liked joey juneau and peter bondra, i think calle johansson was also on that team. seemed like a likable bunch and figured i could have one eastern conference team to root for. then moved to dc in 02 during the jagr and lang years. at that time the mci center (now verizon) was like a tomb. 200 level seats ALWAYS empty. had season tickets up until 3 years ago because i started working in baltimore and couldnt commute back in time to catch any of the games. hah! now its impossible to get a ticket. but i have to say, even though there are a lot of bandwagon caps fans (i guess me included), the ones at the stadium seem genuinely into it and are pretty nice. i've sat right off the window for wings games wering my wings jersey and no one has ever given me much grief. now verizon is an awesome place to watch games. great atmosphere.
Anyone who dislikes Cleveland, the Ravens & basketball is alright in my book.