Future Flyer Cup-Winner
On the one hand, I sympathize with the Western teams and their travel woes. It is truly much harder to head out East and play games at 4 PM your time than it is to head out West and play games at 10 PM your time (OH WAIT NO IT FUCKING ISN'T) and I understand that they have to travel more because there are more Eastern teams.
On the other hand, wrecking several incredible rivalries that have developed (especially for a Flyers fan, the Atlantic rivalries) is not the way to do it. And unbalanced divisions are straight up moronic. Don't like baseball having them, and won't like hockey having them. Stay at six divisions, or go to five or three or two or one, but you know what you get when you divide thirty by four? Communism.
The end.
On the other hand, wrecking several incredible rivalries that have developed (especially for a Flyers fan, the Atlantic rivalries) is not the way to do it. And unbalanced divisions are straight up moronic. Don't like baseball having them, and won't like hockey having them. Stay at six divisions, or go to five or three or two or one, but you know what you get when you divide thirty by four? Communism.
The end.