I believe radulov is a typo...I have 13.60 for him
I have 14.55 for williams:
Player Points PlayDate
williams 4.9 4/11/2012
williams 3.95 4/13/2012
williams 3 4/15/2012
williams 2.7 4/18/2012
I'm thinking of adding trades to the mix next year. Say somebody got scared off by Fleury's play after game two and offered up a trade for Luongo. The stratiegery is off the charts and it adds another element to the mix.
Fuck if bobby lou was half the man he is supposed to be I would be winning this thing
How about 3 trades between each round*? This way you still have a chance if things didn't go well in the first round, but still restricts you from switching the whole team. It's easier to keep track of how many points a player has gotten as well; just a separation of each round instead of each game if trades were to be allowed anytime.
Any comments on this?
* Unused trades shouldn't accumulate to the next round. Just a maximum of 3 trades.
I'm smarter than the analysts. 0 nucks. 0 pens.