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Game Thread: New York Giants @ St Louis Rams-Game Thread


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Apr 23, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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I've said it before and I'll say it again... until we get the interior line issues resolved, we're going nowhere. Every other position on this team is good enough to be competitive. Unfortunately, our biggest deficiencies are at the positions that affect everybody's performance. With a turnstile at guard and a "welcome" sign at center, nobody is succeeding. Not runningbacks, not quarterbacks... Nobody.

Games truly are won in the trenches and we don't have the personnel to win those battles right now.

You are correct, I don't care if we use every one of our picks this year on offensive lineman, you would think a couple of them would pan out! Oline picks aren't the "sexy" pick, but we've already made those "sexy" picks in years past and like you said they mean nothing if nobody is blocking for them!


Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 141,051.00
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I've said it before and I'll say it again... until we get the interior line issues resolved, we're going nowhere. Every other position on this team is good enough to be competitive. Unfortunately, our biggest deficiencies are at the positions that affect everybody's performance. With a turnstile at guard and a "welcome" sign at center, nobody is succeeding. Not runningbacks, not quarterbacks... Nobody.

Games truly are won in the trenches and we don't have the personnel to win those battles right now.

:agree: TOO Smed!

We do however need to draft a decent QB in there somewhere so maybe one sexy pick! :lol:

So if every other pick outside a decent QB prospect is OL, I'd be happy! :hammer:
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Apr 30, 2013
Akron, Ohio
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I believe that one of our higher draft picks should be spent on a QB. And a legit one. One that actually has a shot at being an NFL QB. Please, not another Garrett Gilbert.

And yes... I think every other pick should be spent on interior linemen. But, if we pick up a LB, or something, I suppose I wouldn't be too upset. Lol.


Apr 17, 2013
Phoenix, Arizona
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We need a couple of LBs, another RB, and of course a QB or two, and a bunch of O-lineman.


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Apr 18, 2013
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remind me again why we need another running back? we barely use three and still have watts


Apr 17, 2013
Phoenix, Arizona
Hoopla Cash
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Because there is an absolute stud in the college ranks we can easily pick-up in the middle rounds. Gordon is his name. You always need RBs because the beating they take. We are going to jettison Pead and probably trade Stacy. That leaves Mason, Cunningham, Watts. So we need another young set of legs.


Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 141,051.00
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Because there is an absolute stud in the college ranks we can easily pick-up in the middle rounds. Gordon is his name. You always need RBs because the beating they take. We are going to jettison Pead and probably trade Stacy. That leaves Mason, Cunningham, Watts. So we need another young set of legs.
Pead ain't going anywhere Retro, they love them ACL guys! :lol:


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Apr 30, 2013
Akron, Ohio
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Gotta agree with Chaos on this one. We've got 5 RBs on the roster. Mason, Cunningham, Stacy, Pead and Watts. Either Pead or Watts may be gone next year and maybe Stacy... but not all three. Not to mention the fact that we've drafted one the last two years.

Runningback is WAY down the priorities list right now (like, damn near dead last) We're fine there. Taking another one in 2015 would basically amount to a wasted draft pick.


Apr 17, 2013
Phoenix, Arizona
Hoopla Cash
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I disagree Caynine. We will have plenty of chances to pick up area of need players and also pick up a guy like Gordon who is a beast. Its the old Don Klostermann way of drafting. As has already been mentioned on here, going ape nuts on need areas is not the answer either because you end up cutting players and that is wasting draft picks too. If they trade Stacy (which is a probability) and Pead is done because he is useless, that leaves three.

I never stated that RB isn't a lower priority. Again, we need OL, QB, LB. Whats left? RB and maybe CB.


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Apr 30, 2013
Akron, Ohio
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I disagree Caynine. We will have plenty of chances to pick up area of need players and also pick up a guy like Gordon who is a beast. Its the old Don Klostermann way of drafting. As has already been mentioned on here, going ape nuts on need areas is not the answer either because you end up cutting players and that is wasting draft picks too. If they trade Stacy (which is a probability) and Pead is done because he is useless, that leaves three.

I never stated that RB isn't a lower priority. Again, we need OL, QB, LB. Whats left? RB and maybe CB.

Well... yeah. Of course you cut players. You cut the players that need to be replaced. That's why they're areas of need. I guess I just don't see the point in drafting another Tre Mason only a year later, when he's already playing great and we're so deep at the position. Now I'm not saying to go "ape nuts" on anything (I'm half-joking about spending every pick on a lineman. Lol), but needs = priorities... and priorities, by definition, should be addressed first.

As far as those priorities go... I'd say ours are: G, C, QB, T, OLB, CB, MLB. Granted we don't have as many glaring needs as in years past, but by the time we get to RB on that list, we're in the 5th round or so. By then, Melvin Gordon is gone.

I suppose we'll have to agree to disagree on this one, but I doubt Gordon is even on the Rams' radar anyway.


Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 141,051.00
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Lets not forget fellas, we may make a splash or two in free agency. Getting some quality O line help in FA may help us stave off this area of need for a couple of more years.


Apr 17, 2013
Phoenix, Arizona
Hoopla Cash
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Well... yeah. Of course you cut players. You cut the players that need to be replaced. That's why they're areas of need. I guess I just don't see the point in drafting another Tre Mason only a year later, when he's already playing great and we're so deep at the position. Now I'm not saying to go "ape nuts" on anything (I'm half-joking about spending every pick on a lineman. Lol), but needs = priorities... and priorities, by definition, should be addressed first.

As far as those priorities go... I'd say ours are: G, C, QB, T, OLB, CB, MLB. Granted we don't have as many glaring needs as in years past, but by the time we get to RB on that list, we're in the 5th round or so. By then, Melvin Gordon is gone.

I suppose we'll have to agree to disagree on this one, but I doubt Gordon is even on the Rams' radar anyway.

What's in bold makes little sense in light of our discussion. You try not to draft players who you then cut. Of course some players don't pan out but the teams that are periennial winners keep their number of draftees who they cut to a minimum while finding talent that fit a winning system and help the ballclub.


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Apr 30, 2013
Akron, Ohio
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What's in bold makes little sense in light of our discussion. You try not to draft players who you then cut. Of course some players don't pan out but the teams that are periennial winners keep their number of draftees who they cut to a minimum while finding talent that fit a winning system and help the ballclub.

Actually, it makes perfect sense. I want to keep our draftees. I can't think of a single player (with the exception of Isaiah Pead) we've drafted in the last 4 years that I want to get rid of. The perennial winners you're talking about aren't holding on to scrubs. They're also not chasing the "sexy" picks despite their needs. They're drafting smartly. Which is exactly what I want the Rams to do.

I'm not talking about cutting any of the players we drafted at all. I'm talking about having the stability to cut the dead weight guys. Players who have no future with the team. Which pretty much makes all the sense in the world, wouldn't you agree? Guys like Scott Wells, Davin Joseph, Jake Long, Rodney McLeod, Brandon Washington, Will Herring, JoLonn Dunbar and Shaun Hill (and/or) Austin Davis... none of whom were drafted by the Rams and all of whom make a strong case to be shown the door.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 16, 2013
Rochester, NY
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Right now, Rams have 5 picks. Without resorting to trades (and ignoring free agency for the time being), those 5 picks should be spent on a QB, 2-3 OL, and 1-2 LB (SLB and a backup MLB). I would like to see the Rams add a few picks by trading down, perhaps in the 1st and/or 2nd round (depending on who's available at their pick) unless they make a big splash in free agency. Of course, if they do make a big splash, that likely means that some big money players have been cut, so there may be additional holes to fill.


Apr 17, 2013
Phoenix, Arizona
Hoopla Cash
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Actually, it makes perfect sense. I want to keep our draftees. I can't think of a single player (with the exception of Isaiah Pead) we've drafted in the last 4 years that I want to get rid of. The perennial winners you're talking about aren't holding on to scrubs. They're also not chasing the "sexy" picks despite their needs. They're drafting smartly. Which is exactly what I want the Rams to do.

I'm not talking about cutting any of the players we drafted at all. I'm talking about having the stability to cut the dead weight guys. Players who have no future with the team. Which pretty much makes all the sense in the world, wouldn't you agree? Guys like Scott Wells, Davin Joseph, Jake Long, Rodney McLeod, Brandon Washington, Will Herring, JoLonn Dunbar and Shaun Hill (and/or) Austin Davis... none of whom were drafted by the Rams and all of whom make a strong case to be shown the door.

Your first paragraph is the point I just made in the previous post but that doesn't appear in your first post before mine. You made the statement about cutting deadweight players and it reads as if you are speaking about the draft. I have no argument on deadweight players already on the roster. I made the assertion that you get the BPA in the draft and hopefully that coincides with your need areas. With players you listed above, I'd keep McLeod because he has really grown up and has played very well this year. Washington is equivocal. He could step in right now at RG and do a better job than Joseph no doubt. The rest of them I agree with. I think we are stating the same thing here at this point. So I am finished with this mini disagreement.


I'll slap you with my member
Apr 22, 2013
Titties, TX
Hoopla Cash
$ 31.28
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I've said it before and I'll say it again... until we get the interior line
issues resolved, we're going nowhere. Every other position on this team is
good enough to be competitive
. Unfortunately, our biggest deficiencies are
at the positions that affect everybody's performance. With a turnstile at
guard and a "welcome" sign at center, nobody is succeeding. Not runningbacks,
not quarterbacks... Nobody.

IT'S NOT GOING TO HAPPEN!! Unless you get a superstar O-line and we all know that's not going to happen!

DEFENSE is dominating the NFL game today. It really is ground hog day today... With defenses getting so fast, and hitting so hard.. You do need a good Oline, but the defenses ARE STILL GOING TO FIND A WAY TO ATTACK OPPOSING QB's! Which is why you need a QB that has some mobility AND can make quick decisions..

I have heard countless times.. It's the WR's not getting separation and the Oline sucks. When are some of you going to realize that a good QB is going to help in these other areas?

A good Qb makes everyone around him better. And when the hell is the last time we had a QB like that? Sure we need some staples on the Oline, we have some fairly good RBs and good WR's/TEs.

You need to realize that what we have been working with at QB has been pretty bad. Bring in someone that can makes reads faster, go through progressions better, isn't afraid of pulling the trigger, and at least has some mobility.


Apr 17, 2013
Phoenix, Arizona
Hoopla Cash
$ 1,000.00
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There you have it. Well stated-AGAIN, SJ76. Groundhog Day for you once again.