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My thoughts on the game/Alex Smith


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Aug 4, 2011
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So I foolishly forgot to check my wife's travel plans against the Niners schedule, and as a result, missed almost the entire second half getting through security at hte airport and then on a plane. I really only saw Brock's pick and the TD pass to Walker. Even in the first half I had some trouble getting the video, so take all this with a grain of salt.

First and foremost, I want to talk about Alex Smith. In the first half, I didn't even recognize him. He was making some legitimately great throws. The TD throw to Williams, the 3rd down pass to Ginn to beat pressure...who was that guy? He's showing accuracy, touch, timing. All those things that have been lacking for so long. So what happened in the second half? Genuine question. Do people think Smith was to blame, or was it the OL and receivers? Or playcalling? I caught a replay of the INT, and that looked like the old Smith. But that was the only bad throw I recall seeing (maybe the floater over the D to Walker, I think, though I couldn't see it well enough to say with confidence).

From what I saw, the OL and pass blocking in general was a disaster. Smith was hit without any kind of chance to throw at least two or three times that I saw. I know you're supposed to let the D through on a screen pass, but I've never seen it done so badly. And we simply have no room to run. Given the way Smith has played the past two weeks, I don't think I can chalk that up to him. I've seen him actually show decent pocket presence, make hot reads, and throw strikes with pressure in his face. I've gathered the OT sack was largely his fault, though it also sounds like the defensive scheme was a good one that took away the obvious man.

Seems like more of the same for the D. They just can't stop the pass. Biting on play action, taking bad angles. Three and a half good quarters down the drain when they let an opponent march down the field to tie or win. It's the Saints and Falcons games all over again.

Re: Harbaugh's decision to decline the penalty, I can't agree with that, either. Despite his struggles, Gore has been holding onto the ball. With a 10-point lead on the horizon, at least kill some clock. Taking it on the kickoff is all but irrelevant given how Akers was kicking. I just can't understand that. Maybe Harbaugh didn't realize just how bad our D is in crunch time. Well, now he knows.

In the NFC West, this game could come back to haunt us. It would have been a huge win. Instead, it's a crushing loss the week before we go on the road for an early start in a winnable game. They've got to get their shit together.


Troll Hunter
Dec 2, 2010
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Harbaugh wants to play mistake free ball. Plays it safe. He has visions of a power rushing attack with a dominate oline. Gee that really sounds familiar. I hope he realizes sooner than Singletary that our oline isn't capable of smashmouth football. He chose Alex Smith for this season so it is time for him to live or die by him. We all know the current recipe ain't gonna cut it. NO MORE HIT EM IN THE MOUFF. Get creative and do it soon. Use the plethora of weapons at your disposal.


Haters gonna hate
Aug 4, 2011
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Harbaugh wants to play mistake free ball. Plays it safe. He has visions of a power rushing attack with a dominate oline. Gee that really sounds familiar. I hope he realizes sooner than Singletary that our oline isn't capable of smashmouth football. He chose Alex Smith for this season so it is time for him to live or die by him. We all know the current recipe ain't gonna cut it. NO MORE HIT EM IN THE MOUFF. Get creative and do it soon. Use the plethora of weapons at your disposal.



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Aug 3, 2011
San Luis Obispo
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So I foolishly forgot to check my wife's travel plans against the Niners schedule, and as a result, missed almost the entire second half getting through security at hte airport and then on a plane. I really only saw Brock's pick and the TD pass to Walker. Even in the first half I had some trouble getting the video, so take all this with a grain of salt.

First and foremost, I want to talk about Alex Smith. In the first half, I didn't even recognize him. He was making some legitimately great throws. The TD throw to Williams, the 3rd down pass to Ginn to beat pressure...who was that guy? He's showing accuracy, touch, timing. All those things that have been lacking for so long. So what happened in the second half? Genuine question. Do people think Smith was to blame, or was it the OL and receivers? Or playcalling? I caught a replay of the INT, and that looked like the old Smith. But that was the only bad throw I recall seeing (maybe the floater over the D to Walker, I think, though I couldn't see it well enough to say with confidence).

From what I saw, the OL and pass blocking in general was a disaster. Smith was hit without any kind of chance to throw at least two or three times that I saw. I know you're supposed to let the D through on a screen pass, but I've never seen it done so badly. And we simply have no room to run. Given the way Smith has played the past two weeks, I don't think I can chalk that up to him. I've seen him actually show decent pocket presence, make hot reads, and throw strikes with pressure in his face. I've gathered the OT sack was largely his fault, though it also sounds like the defensive scheme was a good one that took away the obvious man.

Seems like more of the same for the D. They just can't stop the pass. Biting on play action, taking bad angles. Three and a half good quarters down the drain when they let an opponent march down the field to tie or win. It's the Saints and Falcons games all over again.

Re: Harbaugh's decision to decline the penalty, I can't agree with that, either. Despite his struggles, Gore has been holding onto the ball. With a 10-point lead on the horizon, at least kill some clock. Taking it on the kickoff is all but irrelevant given how Akers was kicking. I just can't understand that. Maybe Harbaugh didn't realize just how bad our D is in crunch time. Well, now he knows.

In the NFC West, this game could come back to haunt us. It would have been a huge win. Instead, it's a crushing loss the week before we go on the road for an early start in a winnable game. They've got to get their shit together.

Great post as usual crimson. Once again you are the voice of reason.

Smith obviously looked much better than he has in quite some time and he had a great first half. I don't see how anyone could blame the game on Smith alone, and all though i would like to see our O-line play much better i thought our passing game was the best it has been in years.

As far as the Defense goes, blown assignments in the secondary really cost us. The obvious one was the last play where Whitner absolutely cost us the game, but T. Brown also made some big mistakes. At this point i think it's crucial that we get Spencer back in the starting lineup asap.


Aug 5, 2011
Close your eyes...
Hoopla Cash
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How does a QB with cracked ribs mount a comeback against us with a WR who hasn't call a ball in 3 years???

Only in SF!!!! lol


Aug 3, 2011
Cloud 9
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Sorry, but this is an absolutely ridiculous post. Alex Smith was as bad as any part of the team in the second half. For the love of God, enough with the excuses. It's borderline lunacy at this point. Get the fuck off his nuts.


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Aug 11, 2011
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Clyde, your postgame posts have been nearly indistinguishable from what mackdown would have written. The shades of grey and caveats that would indicate a functioning brain are completely absent. My guess is drugs, given the pattern of deterioration.


Aug 3, 2011
Cloud 9
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That will happen when Crimson goes out of his way to make an entire thread dedicated to why every single player on the team was holding Alex Smith back. The level of denial and delusion is at an all time high. It was cute in the beginning, but now it's beyond pathetic.


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Aug 4, 2011
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That will happen when Crimson goes out of his way to make an entire thread dedicated to why every single player on the team was holding Alex Smith back. The level of denial and delusion is at an all time high. It was cute in the beginning, but now it's beyond pathetic.

WTF, this is entirely inaccurate.


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clyde, i don't see where anyone said he's our guy, but is it that harmful to give him some credit for having a good game compared to what he has done in the past? Obviously there is improvement in his game this year. Again, i am not trying to say he is the answer past this year.


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Aug 10, 2011
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That will happen when Crimson goes out of his way to make an entire thread dedicated to why every single player on the team was holding Alex Smith back. The level of denial and delusion is at an all time high. It was cute in the beginning, but now it's beyond pathetic.

I must have missed the part where he said that. let me go back and re-read his post.


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Aug 4, 2011
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I didn't see the game, but saw the box score. So at the end of the season Smith is going to have a 75% completion percentage and average 140 yds a game?? Why are they not throwing the ball downfield?? I am happy that Smith is being more efficient so far, but I think it's a bit of a mirage. If they were throwing the ball downfield and he was having to make more difficult throws it might be different. I didn't see the game, but so far it looks like they are afraid to open up and its pretty boring to watch.It's gonna be like the last 2 seasons where the only time I enjoy the games is when they go down by 21 and have to use the spread to catch up.


Haters gonna hate
Aug 4, 2011
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That will happen when Crimson goes out of his way to make an entire thread dedicated to why every single player on the team was holding Alex Smith back. The level of denial and delusion is at an all time high. It was cute in the beginning, but now it's beyond pathetic.

Crimson gave a fair assesment in the game. I saw nothing of the sort of what you posted.


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Aug 2, 2011
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Good post Crimson.

I didnt think Smith played bad at all in the first half. I'd say our inability to run the damn ball with any effectiveness had a lot to do with what happened in the 2nd half. Dallas made the right adjustments at halftime..we did nothing.

The D is what it is. Theyre not elite, theyre a lot like smith..inconsistency plagues them. You have to keep them off the field as much as possible, we failed to do that yesterday and it cost us big time.


Well-Known Member
Aug 4, 2011
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Sorry, but this is an absolutely ridiculous post. Alex Smith was as bad as any part of the team in the second half. For the love of God, enough with the excuses. It's borderline lunacy at this point. Get the fuck off his nuts.

Is that directed at me, Clyde? If so, learn to read. I said I didn't watch the second half.


Well-Known Member
Aug 4, 2011
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That will happen when Crimson goes out of his way to make an entire thread dedicated to why every single player on the team was holding Alex Smith back. The level of denial and delusion is at an all time high. It was cute in the beginning, but now it's beyond pathetic.

Fuck off, Clyde. In the first half - again, the only part of the game that I saw - Smith was clearly the best offensive player on the field for the Niners. The run game was useless, and Smith was sacked at least twice before he had time to throw.

As for delusion, the only delusion is pretending that Smith is the only problem with this football team. Smith is absolutely a problem. But our inability to hold a lead, pass block, or run the ball consistently seem to have become common themes.


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Aug 10, 2011
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Smith made 1 bad thrown forcing the ball into coverage and it got picked off setting up a Dallas TD. It appeared he and Davis were just not on the same page for the play. Even with that though Smith made a bad pass throwing into coverage instead of into the opening who could have lead Davis into to. The announcers thought Smith must have expected Vernon to turn and sit underneath the coverage, but Vernon cut inside on the play.

Outside of that Smith played a good game. The 4th quarter was the Oline at it's worst. There were several times we just let a Cowboy go unblocked right at Smith.

The Oline also can't open up a running lane for Gore. If we can't run the ball we will find ourselves in more games like this then we want to have.


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Aug 4, 2011
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Crimson, pretty solid review. Clyde, I have to agree, I used to like reading your posts and insight but its getting harder and harder to agree with what you are writing.
I think Alex played a pretty solid game, in fact, the team as a whole played a pretty solid game. There are always going to be mistakes made and for the most part ours were limited. The thing that got to me the most was the "lack of killer instinct" Harbaugh showed. It was only his second game, so hopefully he learns. Lets be honest, we are all happier with him then we were with Nolan or Singletery. As Ray-Dogg said, its time to live and die with Alex. Harbaugh needs to open everything up for Alex and let Alex succeed or fail. This is a great situation for Harbaugh, if Alex fails he can blame Alex and if he has success then Harbaugh will look like the greatest coach in the game.
All in all I would give the niners a B. They looked better than they have previously. Please Harbaugh, unleash the offense and play to win versus playing to "not lose" as it appears the niners have played in both second halves this year.


Aug 3, 2011
Where you vacation
Hoopla Cash
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I think your review is spot on for the first half, the Oline and run did nothing to help us however Smith, when given the chance made the right reads and did throw some great passes as you eluded to - re: Ginn and Williams. Walkers TD was a tad underthrown.
In the second half we had a meltdown. Whether it was playcalling, Dallas adjustments, Smiths inability to feel pressure and make got reads, I chalk it up to it all. We clearly were outplayed and didn't adjust. Where were the slant patterns? Back shoulder throws? The blitzes on D? We turned into a passive team. Everything that was a bright spot in the first half turned sour in the second and Dallas capitalized and took Romo's return as momentum. We lost. It's early in the season and we have new systems, along with our best WR's on the sideline. What will be telling is how we regroup, and get the magic from the first half back.


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Aug 2, 2011
Roanoke, Va
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Another things worth mentioning..the play action passes were absolutely useless in the second half. Dallas didnt fear our run, nor should they have. Faking a handoff just gave Dallas that much more time to get to Smith.

I did think we could have used the draw play more often..especially from shot gun formation. In OT on first down we ran a draw from shot gun and had the largest run gain of the day..7 yards. That was followed up by a play action pass from under center and we ended up with 3rd and super long.