So, if ya guys want another, I would like to join.
In for Baseball mock draft 2000-Present?
Hell yeah, welcome... We will be drafting a team of players from 2000 - present and after the draft we will vote on the best team, if you can be active we would love to have ya join. If for any reason you might be away during the draft you are required to leave a list of players.
I will have to study...I only know before 2000, lol...any years will work in baseball and basketball...calling my first pick now...Michael Jordan..I saw how he gets the votes.
Do guys have to come into MLB 2000 and after? Or just have played since then?
Would like another new guy to the draft.
Smitty no worries... you have dibs on Inge and Rugburn
My understanding is drafted in 2000 or later. Nos is this correct or am I wrong again?