I like your beard.
Found the kid...

Found the kid...
or Thelma ... err Daniel Sedin
Any truth to the rumour that Daniel's back spasms were a result of falling out of the top bunk?!?
Jokes aside and I'm no fan of Mad Mike, but I think we need a few more details before passing judgement. They don't call America the land of litigation for nothing.
/Parents could be looking for a cash grab.
the downside of twitter is that jokes become old after about 4 minutes
Oh come on, at least give me 24 hours to run with it...
he hates gingers/albinos
Just some clarification. The picture I posted was of Ulf Samuelsson's son, not the ACTUAL 12 year old. Not sure if that was understood or not. So...yeah.
I'll miss his ranting on the embellishing Canucks if he does get the axe...
Even that can't distract me from his stupidity.
I bet the kid traded Milbury's Spezza and Chara rookie cards for a Yashin cutout from the Ottawa Sun.
When the child saw the look on Mike's face about 10 minutes later face he instantly said: "No take backs!!!" and Milbury flew into a blind rage.
Jokes aside and I'm no fan of Mad Mike, but I think we need a few more details before passing judgement. They don't call America the land of litigation for nothing.
/Parents could be looking for a cash grab.