I got all of the posters on SportsHoopla a gift. Two season tickets to their favorite NHL teams. Sorry it didn't work out better people maybe we will try again next year.
I hope everyone had a great day !!
Hey Jeff...
don't be jealous
from my bro-in-law
So my wife is in Canadian Tire a little while ago and they had a beautiful framed 'Bobby Orr' collage of images. They were having a silent auction and she put a bid in for it with some of the proceeds going to Kidsport (helps kids get equipment for sports etc.). Anyway, she ends up winning the auction and I got another great picture for the mancave.
Merry Christmas to all.
Okay, so who wants a crazy mother in law story? No one? Too bad.
She decides that she would like to invite a whackload of cousins over for Christmas eve dinner, but of course can't cook worth shit. So, the wife and I do a turkey, a ham, all the trimmings, and some goofy Chinese stuff too. But there are so many dishes on the go, that we need to use the mom's kitchen too. Backstory - she has her own wok kitchen to the crappy she spoke doesn't stink up the rest of the house. But it is really decked out, has a 5 Star professional grade stove, like a $10k stove that she doesn't know how to use. So we are set to put the ham in there, and fortunately my wife looks in the oven before turning it on, because it is packed full of crap. She's been using it for storage. Fine, oven is cleared out and set. Now we need to broil something (oven has a separate broiler) so the mom pushed the button. Well, THAT was packed with shit, and now it's all on fire. Little old Chinese ladies like to build cardboard caves around theburners when they stirfry, to contain the splatter. Well, she storedall of that grease soaked cardboard in the broiler, and now itwas on fire.
So they pull thisburning mass onto the floor, and start stomping the shit out of it. I just closedthe door so the rest of the house didn't stink.
Anyways, no harm, I drank, merry Christmas
I bought my wife a pair of Cutco kitchen shears.
Stupidly, insanely, you paid what the fuck for them expensive for a pair of scissors
We can cut a car in half now if we want to.
I may use it to take down a tree this spring.
5 star recommended
Virginia Tech Cornerback Antone Exum Took Some Random Kids At Best Buy On A $470 Shopping Spree
When all we normally hear about is 21 year old college athletes abusing their blessing and privileges (even when it is probably the vast minority of them, as most are good kids in my experience), it is nice to see a story like this get some run.
the bird
20 lbs
Did you fill the bird with all of those prescription drugs sitting there too?![]()
lol. those are all vitamins/supplements for the dogsits a free range turkey so Im hoping it has only limited drugs in it
was the dog also drinking okanagan springs 1516 mattola?