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Melo, most disrespected by refs...


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Sep 27, 2013
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hey knuckleheads, real athletes don't have to see much to know what the problem is. Melo, is a good as he has ever been, he has lost nothing.. he just can't multi task. PERIOD, END OF STORY.

ownership has no clue, hornysuk blows, and his support, teammates, are only as good as the coach who implements some form of strategy to be carried out!

True Lakers Fan

Los Angeles Lakers Fan
Apr 16, 2013
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hey knuckleheads, real athletes don't have to see much to know what the problem is. Melo, is a good as he has ever been, he has lost nothing.. he just can't multi task. PERIOD, END OF STORY.

ownership has no clue, hornysuk blows, and his support, teammates, are only as good as the coach who implements some form of strategy to be carried out!
In the last three years his average of points per game has dropped from 27-28 down to 21-23 per game. His rebounds have went from 8 to six and his three point range has dropped from 40% to 36% - This is not a huge decline, but it is a normal decline for a 32 year old player that is still in pretty good shape. He only played 40 games two seasons ago due to an injury, and again that is a decline. Yes he is a good player and still contributes, but if he is as elite as you claim, then New York fans would want Phil Jackson to keep him and not to trade him.

I think you protest to much and you're trying to oversell him. Unlike Kobe, however I think Carmello has another five years, but it's not even possible to say he won't lose a step or more - He already has


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Sep 27, 2013
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In the last three years his average of points per game has dropped from 27-28 down to 21-23 per game. His rebounds have went from 8 to six and his three point range has dropped from 40% to 36% - This is not a huge decline, but it is a normal decline for a 32 year old player that is still in pretty good shape. He only played 40 games two seasons ago due to an injury, and again that is a decline. Yes he is a good player and still contributes, but if he is as elite as you claim, then New York fans would want Phil Jackson to keep him and not to trade him.

I think you protest to much and you're trying to oversell him. Unlike Kobe, however I think Carmello has another five years, but it's not even possible to say he won't lose a step or more - He already has

you just won't let yourself understand where i am coming from, in the minutes i have seen him perform this year, probably a total of one game, he plays with the same voracity, hunger, intensity that he has played with since syracuse... i am NO big fan of melo, i just know what i see! he LOVES this game! open your minds!!!


Kyrie Hater
Apr 17, 2013
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you just won't let yourself understand where i am coming from, in the minutes i have seen him perform this year, probably a total of one game, he plays with the same voracity, hunger, intensity that he has played with since syracuse... i am NO big fan of melo, i just know what i see! he LOVES this game! open your minds!!!


You have only watched him play once this year? And you are questioning others by saying we have not seen him enough? You can't be serious right now. You have just completely invalidated everything you have ever posted.

True Lakers Fan

Los Angeles Lakers Fan
Apr 16, 2013
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you just won't let yourself understand where i am coming from, in the minutes i have seen him perform this year, probably a total of one game, he plays with the same voracity, hunger, intensity that he has played with since syracuse... i am NO big fan of melo, i just know what I see! he LOVES this game! open your minds!!!
Okay - you like him - we don't - That's fine, but if you like him, why do you want to see him traded? Isn't that what you said?

True Lakers Fan

Los Angeles Lakers Fan
Apr 16, 2013
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I don't argue that Carmelo is still a good player, with intensity, good skills and etc, but I still don't want to see him on the Lakers this year. In the past he has been a ball stopper that halts good ball movement. The Lakers have a nice young team that is learning to play as a team. I like that and since I hate the Clippers so much, I would like to see them get Carmelo


Well-Known Member
Sep 27, 2013
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Okay - you like him - we don't - That's fine, but if you like him, why do you want to see him traded? Isn't that what you said?

what i said was , and i agree with melo and others that if it was in the best interest of the team to get other players for him, to build around KP fine, BUT, I SAY BUT, i also believe while Dolan owns, impossible for this org to win!! so i really don't give a schitt one way or another... this years team was supposed to go deep into PS, they ain't even gettin there.. F this.. and Tlance WTF??? read my post again, i hope you are kidding!!!!

True Lakers Fan

Los Angeles Lakers Fan
Apr 16, 2013
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what i said was , and i agree with melo and others that if it was in the best interest of the team to get other players for him, to build around KP fine, BUT, I SAY BUT, i also believe while Dolan owns, impossible for this org to win!! so i really don't give a schitt one way or another... this years team was supposed to go deep into PS, they ain't even gettin there.. F this.. and Tlance WTF??? read my post again, i hope you are kidding!!!!
No one has ever went further than the second round in the playoffs with Carmelo - He's not a player the average team wants. Sorry, but you value him more than the rest of us. Just saying.


Kyrie Hater
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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what i said was , and i agree with melo and others that if it was in the best interest of the team to get other players for him, to build around KP fine, BUT, I SAY BUT, i also believe while Dolan owns, impossible for this org to win!! so i really don't give a schitt one way or another... this years team was supposed to go deep into PS, they ain't even gettin there.. F this.. and Tlance WTF??? read my post again, i hope you are kidding!!!!

Not kidding at all.

You come in here spewing BS about the Knicks every day, and you have only seen one game? I have seen the Knicks more than you this year. You literally have no idea what you are talking about.


Well-Known Member
Sep 27, 2013
New York, NY
Hoopla Cash
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Not kidding at all.

You come in here spewing BS about the Knicks every day, and you have only seen one game? I have seen the Knicks more than you this year. You literally have no idea what you are talking about.

let me see if i can make this simple for you to better understand, i have seen Melo play in multiple games, minutes of those that add up to 48, which is 1 full game ?


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Sep 27, 2013
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No one has ever went further than the second round in the playoffs with Carmelo - He's not a player the average team wants. Sorry, but you value him more than the rest of us. Just saying.

again, who has melo had as coach, teammates in those years, this was the first year we, Ny knick fans, the city of new york, felt we had a competing team...

True Lakers Fan

Los Angeles Lakers Fan
Apr 16, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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again, who has melo had as coach, teammates in those years, this was the first year we, Ny knick fans, the city of new york, felt we had a competing team...
George Karl was the best coach that Denver ever had and with the right pieces that team could have went further. Either way, I ran the Carmelo to Clippers trade idea to a few buddies of mine and they know a lot more than I do. They were in complete agreement, the Carmelo was not a good fit for the Clippers and could not help them. Carmelo clearly is a good player, but has lost a small step and is going to continue to lose more. He doesn't play good ball in passing and strong defense, not a great rebounder and non-existence in assists. More teams have transitioned to team ball without a super- hero trying to do everything. In the terms of an elite player that is good on isolation ball, players like Carmelo are becoming more obsolete.

One thing, though - the mess in New York isn't Carmelo's fault - It's the front office. They picked up a nice first round draft when they got Porzingis, and then they traded for Carmelo and Rose. Rose is a good scorer, but is injured too much and simply never really gets a chance to recover and stay recovered long enough to make a huge difference. So now the team is stuck with two aging players that can only hurt the team. If they can get some first round draft picks, then they can start rebuilding what appears to be the smartest way in the league right now


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Sep 27, 2013
New York, NY
Hoopla Cash
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stop with your cleo schitt. NOBODY KNOWS NOTHING unless you see it happen.


R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
San Clemente, Ca.
Hoopla Cash
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hey knuckleheads, real athletes don't have to see much to know what the problem is. Melo, is a good as he has ever been, he has lost nothing.. he just can't multi task. PERIOD, END OF STORY.

Real athletes are laughing their ass off at this post.


Kyrie Hater
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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how many real athletes are on here, come clean!!!

That depends. What is your definition of real athlete?

For me, it is a earning a scholarship.

I played in high school and have coached varsity boys for 10 years. At age 38, I can still more than hold my on with the guys on my team. Granted, we are pretty average this season. Still, not a lot of 38 year olds out there in good enough shape to run with 18 year olds.

I do not consider myself a real athlete, but I have played all my life with guys who were and have coached plenty.


Well-Known Member
Sep 27, 2013
New York, NY
Hoopla Cash
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my def., athletes who have competed, with the highest level...