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Marco Doubypops

Road Commentary Specalist
Jan 9, 2011
Kingston, Ontario/ London, Ontario
Hoopla Cash
$ 1,000.00
Fav. Team #1
I'm sure most of you understand what's going on with the lockout, but I've yet to hear any solutions from any of you. Which is odd, because we've already solved everything else in the NBA.

So what do you guys think?

First of all, the contracts thing in the NBA is so fucked up, it makes Lindsay Lohan look sober. I mean, look at the size of this article NBA Salary Cap FAQ

Personally I think the revenue split should be 50-50 with a softer cap than what it has now. Also, none of this luxury tax bullshit.

Keep the Larry Bird rule, and put an emphasis on cap exception money, and make it transferable by trade. Since player salaries are going down, guarantee all contracts under all conditions.

All I want is for teams to not be able to spend as much as they want. Make it a skill to manage your players under the cap, rather than having the Los Angeles Rapists....er....I mean Lakers be able to drop money like the Yankees and keep their core and backups like that. Make it an even playing field.


Active Member
Jan 6, 2011
Hoopla Cash
$ 1,000.00
i think municipalities need to stop subsidizing teams/owners which would push down salaries anyways cause teams would need to pull a profit

there are no good guys in this story(players are ridiculously overpaid) but there's no way i'll side wit a bunch of greasy billionaires that had arena's given to them at the charity of taxpayers


New Member
Jan 24, 2011
Hoopla Cash
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the revenue should be split 50/50, there should be a hard cap but if you resign a player they should count for only 80% (or 70% or 90% i dont really care) against your cap as compared to a completely free agent.

the owners need to sort out among themselves how they want to do revenue sharing. the players need to sort out among themselves how they want their pensions handled, and what the minimum salary should be and other player issues like that. basically you just decide how much revenue each side gets, and then each side decides how to split it among themselves.

its silly that players and owners need to negotiate between eachother about issues that are basically player-only or owner-only.

i think we're in for a long work stoppage though, wouldnt be surprised to see the whole season go.

for anyone interested there are two really good articles by malcolm gladwell on the lockout which completely turned me from being pro-owner in this fight, to pro-player.

Malcolm Gladwell on the NBA lockout - Grantland
Malcolm Gladwell on Bruce Ratner and the Barclays Center - Grantland