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did you notice the ad on the glass last night puckhead?
not the best deal though
yes I did thanks.
$999 for Coyotes tickets isn't quite the trip I had in mind.
the free t-shirt was almost the clincher.
How do any prospective owners take a look at puck's picture and believe they can make a go of things in Glendale without a) major subsidies from the city/league and b) an escape clause.
Holy Shit! I can't believe what that one fan is doing.
Which one? The one on the left or the one on the right?
{Over loud speaker during game}
*Attention Phoenix Coyote fans...if you look to the right and left of you, you might notice that the person next to you is an empty seat.*
*All Hail Bettman*
*Will the owner of the only white car in the parking lot please move to another spot? You are blocking some tumbleweed.*
*That is all*
announced crowd 7,168.
I think they were counting legs, not torsos.
though that pic was taken 2 min into the game, so presumably it would flesh out a little bit
not A.C.C. style, but there might be a couple of folks grabbing an armadillo-dog or whatever the hell those desert folks eat.
I've seen dust devils and giant dust storms, but I'm still waiting on a tumbleweed...
I've seen dust devils and giant dust storms, but I'm still waiting on a tumbleweed...