Buckle up!!
Does that mean you're going to post a picture of yourself in the Rangers uniform you haven't washed in a year?![]()
Pretty soon Jeff will

Does that mean you're going to post a picture of yourself in the Rangers uniform you haven't washed in a year?![]()
Does that mean you're going to post a picture of yourself in the Rangers uniform you haven't washed in a year?![]()
Pretty soon Jeff will![]()
That's nice. Matt Cooke and Sean Avery will have a third for pick-up games.![]()
You have to wonder how his teammates feel about the situation. I mean, that has to get annoying to deal with. I know he gets along with them, that much is obvious, and a few hits won't change that...but when it starts up debate off the ice about headshots, about the credibility of your owner, coach, GM, and others...that's a distraction. That's a distraction I don't want.
all the more reason why lemieux should get rid of him
::taps foot:: still waiting for Mario to throw another ragequit a the NHL if they dont do something about these vicious headshots![]()
-Shero-"The suspension is warranted because that's exactly the kind of hit we're trying to get out of the game. Head shots have no place in hockey," Shero said in a statement.
"We've told Matt in no uncertain terms that this kind of action on the ice is unacceptable and cannot happen. Head shots must be dealt with severely, and the Pittsburgh Penguins support the NHL in sending this very strong message."
I found this to be interesting, but then again it could be nothing.
Orpik, Tangradi practice with Penguins
In addition, winger Matt Cooke is not practicing. He is suspended for the rest of the regular season and the first round of the playoffs but is eligible to practice. There was no immediate word on why he isn't practicing.
Did Mario drop the hammer on him and send him home?
I found this to be interesting, but then again it could be nothing.
Orpik, Tangradi practice with Penguins
In addition, winger Matt Cooke is not practicing. He is suspended for the rest of the regular season and the first round of the playoffs but is eligible to practice. There was no immediate word on why he isn't practicing.
Did Mario drop the hammer on him and send him home?
The Pens website had info on it. He's not with the team, but he was doing dryland workouts outside in the parking lot with one of the conditioning coaches. Probably running him ragged because, one he deserves it, and two he has plenty of time to recover.
I hope he throws up. Six times. Then every time he thinks about doing something dirty, he'll remember how much vomiting is involved. No one likes to vomit. They should do everything to him that they can under the law.
It's funny to compare this situation to something like HS or college sports. I mean, when I played sports and I screwed up somehow, there were signifcant physical ramifications. I had to run til I puked. I had to lead my team in wind sprints because of my own mistakes...and in some cases I stood as was pelted with volleyballs. It's like part of being on a team, but God forbid professionals be treated that way. If a coach wants to run him ragged, gosh darn it he should. It builds character! Watch Miracle!