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Karlos Dansby


Top-5 Arm Chair GM
Apr 18, 2013
Da U.P.
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I really think the Lions should sign Karlos Dansby to a one or two year deal.

I know he's getting long in the tooth (He'll turn 32 in November this season), but he's had a stellar career, and it seems like the elite LBs can play effectively into their mid 30s.

He's not going to be the game-changing playmaker he was 5 years ago, but he's still playing at a high level. Look at his numbers last year:

Karlos Dansby, LB for the Miami Dolphins at NFL.com

He outperformed any of our LBs by a wide margin in both the running and passing game.

We could plug him in for Durrant from day one and let Whitehead. Lewis and Palmer continue to hone their skills for another year or two.

Dansby would also give us another veteran leader in the locker-room. He's had a long, productive career and was a team captain in both Arizona and Miami- good guy to have around for the young players to learn from.


Old Lion

Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain
Apr 18, 2013
Emerald City, OZ
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I am OK with a 1 year deal.

As far as Palmer goes, isn't he in his 4th or 5th year now? At this pace he will be 32 by the time he is honed. He needs to be the guy to step up or he will be a career backup/ST guy.:frusty:


Top-5 Arm Chair GM
Apr 18, 2013
Da U.P.
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Palmer just turned 27. He's never going to be an impact game-changer type, imo, but he's very atheltic and with enough experience under his belt he could give us an effective 3 or 4 year run from 29 to 33 or so.

But maybe by then Whitehead or Lewis, or someone else, will be better than Palmer. Maybe he is just going to be a career back-up/st, but that's fine by me too.

Basically he gives us solid depth with some upside to him still. Will he ever be a Pro Bowler? Very unlikely. Can he be better than Durrant and Levy were last year? Quite possibly...


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2013
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I have to agree with Old Lion here.....Why is it people think players need 5 years to develop or "Hone their skills?" If it didn't take after year two your looking at 2nd string players.

Palmer, Whithead, Lewis etc etc can't start for other teams.....They have had two years and we will see them sparingly on sundays when the starters have a hangnail or pulled a hammy.

Now our Young CBs are a different story.....They have had one year to "Develop, hone there skills" We shall see which ones took and which are junk......

I would love for Junta or Greenwood to bust out, but ain't holding my breath...

Draft Millner.....


Mass Debater
Apr 18, 2013
Rochester, Michigan
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I would love for Junta or Greenwood to bust out, but ain't holding my breath...

Draft Millner.....

You could see Jonte's progression game by game. Every game he got better and better. I honestly thought he wasnt going to make the team in the preseason, but by the end he was making the correct reads and closing in on passes real well. I mean, he's nothign compared to milliner, but He'd be a pretty sweet nickel/dime. I also want Greenwood to have a crazy season. He has size and speed, a rare combination. I hate to see players that we draft end up on special teams. Travis Lewis, Ronell Lewis, Tahir Whitehead were all just special teams players. Especially hate to see Ronell and Tahir on ST when we traded away a pick for Tahir, and Ronell was a 4th rounder.


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Apr 18, 2013
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You could see Jonte's progression game by game. Every game he got better and better. I honestly thought he wasnt going to make the team in the preseason, but by the end he was making the correct reads and closing in on passes real well. I mean, he's nothign compared to milliner, but He'd be a pretty sweet nickel/dime. I also want Greenwood to have a crazy season. He has size and speed, a rare combination. I hate to see players that we draft end up on special teams. Travis Lewis, Ronell Lewis, Tahir Whitehead were all just special teams players. Especially hate to see Ronell and Tahir on ST when we traded away a pick for Tahir, and Ronell was a 4th rounder.

Stop making sense magic......Lot's of guys don't want to hear that.


Not Mebert's Alt
Apr 20, 2013
Salt Lake City
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I think it is a bit early to be giving up on Whitehead and Lewis. I would not be suprised to see both of them recieve far more reps this year. Jonte looks like he could be the real deal, he played well at the end.


Top-5 Arm Chair GM
Apr 18, 2013
Da U.P.
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I have to agree with Old Lion here.....Why is it people think players need 5 years to develop or "Hone their skills?" If it didn't take after year two your looking at 2nd string players.

Palmer, Whithead, Lewis etc etc can't start for other teams.....They have had two years and we will see them sparingly on sundays when the starters have a hangnail or pulled a hammy.

Now our Young CBs are a different story.....They have had one year to "Develop, hone there skills" We shall see which ones took and which are junk......

I would love for Junta or Greenwood to bust out, but ain't holding my breath...

Draft Millner.....

This is the crap of yours that really bugs me.

You throw out all this crap without having a clue what you're talking about, basically you're just trolling for a response because you get pleasure out of stirring everyone up.

Do us all a favor, though- at least pay enough attention to know when guys were drafted. We got rookie LBs drafted last year who you already think are junk because "they've had two years".

Nevermind that you obviously don't know what you're talking about with developing players.... If you spent have as much time reading stuff from those who cover the game for a living as you do trying to piss off real Lions fans you'd actually be able to keep up in the conversations and wouldn't have to resort to being "that guy" all the time.

Sad, really...


Well-Known Member
Apr 19, 2013
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I have to agree with Old Lion here.....Why is it people think players need 5 years to develop or "Hone their skills?" If it didn't take after year two your looking at 2nd string players.

AMEN. If a player hasn't picked it up after year 2, you are basically looking at what you have -- a career backup. You aren't going to see many guys stand on the sideline for 4 or 5 years and then become an impact starter. Just isn't going to happen too often.

The Lions BIGGEST problem in the draft is finding quality players outside the 1st round. Hopefully the guy they brought in from Denver is able to help them out in the scouting department, as IMO, that is one of the main things hurting the franchise. Instead of going into FA and making the Lions a more complete team -- they are having to sign players to make up for mistakes made in the draft. They have spent a 2nd and 3rd rounder on "safeties" and had to go sign Quin to give them another quality player. They spent a 1st and 2nd on running backs and had to go sign Reggie Bush to fill the big hole missing for a speed back. That is money we should have been using to fill other holes on the team.


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2013
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This is the crap of yours that really bugs me.

You throw out all this crap without having a clue what you're talking about, basically you're just trolling for a response because you get pleasure out of stirring everyone up.

Do us all a favor, though- at least pay enough attention to know when guys were drafted. We got rookie LBs drafted last year who you already think are junk because "they've had two years".

Nevermind that you obviously don't know what you're talking about with developing players.... If you spent have as much time reading stuff from those who cover the game for a living as you do trying to piss off real Lions fans you'd actually be able to keep up in the conversations and wouldn't have to resort to being "that guy" all the time.

TP, You will find out I type opinions......I dare not copy or paste a article by a columinst because I feel I know more then them.....So don't back your argurments from guys that know less then you do.

The Lions are doing some things right and some things wrong.....The problem is I focus on the wrong things and you don't like that....

I could sit here all day and tell you how good Stafford and CJ are, but everyone knows it, so I won't waste your time.......

I will tell you however the Lions defense still stucks and Millner is the right pick.


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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AMEN. If a player hasn't picked it up after year 2, you are basically looking at what you have -- a career backup. You aren't going to see many guys stand on the sideline for 4 or 5 years and then become an impact starter. Just isn't going to happen too often.

The Lions BIGGEST problem in the draft is finding quality players outside the 1st round. Hopefully the guy they brought in from Denver is able to help them out in the scouting department, as IMO, that is one of the main things hurting the franchise. Instead of going into FA and making the Lions a more complete team -- they are having to sign players to make up for mistakes made in the draft. They have spent a 2nd and 3rd rounder on "safeties" and had to go sign Quin to give them another quality player. They spent a 1st and 2nd on running backs and had to go sign Reggie Bush to fill the big hole missing for a speed back. That is money we should have been using to fill other holes on the team.

Making too much sense. Stop it.


Well-Known Member
Apr 19, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Do us all a favor, though- at least pay enough attention to know when guys were drafted. We got rookie LBs drafted last year who you already think are junk because "they've had two years".

I agree with TP, that you can't judge a player after a single year standing on the sidelines, but also agree with Muzzer, as the Lions haven't shown they have the ability to find diamond in the rough talent later in the draft, so I can see why he feels as if they will be junk. Definitely doesn't help that the coaches said the guys drafted would improve the Lions special teams, as they were atrocious last year and correct me if i'm wrong -- Whitehead was actually benched for poor play on special teams.

TP -- I realize you love the Lions, but you have to realize everyone here does too. Some just can't turn a blind eye to problems with the franchise and those running it. Some can't take the optimist route and think every draft pick is being developed into a quality player and it is just going to take them the entire length of their rookie contract before they start contributing.


Not Mebert's Alt
Apr 20, 2013
Salt Lake City
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I do like the idea of milner, or either of the 2 tackles, not Lane Johnson though. I am not sure when it was decided that he was a viable option at 5, but I don't like it. I would rather not spend a top 5 pick on a guy who might be jpp, that guy had the option to sit behind some elite DE's for a few years and then became awesome. Ansah would need to start right away and that would not be ideal.


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2013
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I do like the idea of milner, or either of the 2 tackles, not Lane Johnson though. I am not sure when it was decided that he was a viable option at 5, but I don't like it. I would rather not spend a top 5 pick on a guy who might be jpp, that guy had the option to sit behind some elite DE's for a few years and then became awesome. Ansah would need to start right away and that would not be ideal.

:10: Agreed......I'll keep saying it till Thursday......I'm ok with Joeckel/Fisher......I suspect they won't be there......Millner is then the pick......If he's not there and we can't trade back, were in a world of crap and I don't care how Mayhew spins it.........


Top-5 Arm Chair GM
Apr 18, 2013
Da U.P.
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What good does your " not turning a blind eye" do?

The answer is none. Some of you guys just can't except that you're only fans and don't have any control (at all, none, zero, zip, nada) over the team.

All you do is point out everything you think is wrong, and the rest of us get tired of it in a hurry because we, just like you, can't do anything about what we don't like. The difference is that we accept that fact and chose to focus on the positives and how we think guys can contribute.

It's time to get real and realize that all your bitching and whining is for your benefit only. No Lions personel are reading this and saying "Uh-oh, the whiners are upset about player x, we'd better cut him."

You short-sightedness and lack of patience would make you two of the worst executives to ever run a team. The fact that you guys open claim to know more than the writers, analysts, GMs, coaches and everyone else involved in the NFL is down-right laughable.

I'm going to watch your job on tv here and there and then start telling you how wrong everything you do is...


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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What good does your " not turning a blind eye" do?

The answer is none. Some of you guys just can't except that you're only fans and don't have any control (at all, none, zero, zip, nada) over the team.

All you do is point out everything you think is wrong, and the rest of us get tired of it in a hurry because we, just like you, can't do anything about what we don't like. The difference is that we accept that fact and chose to focus on the positives and how we think guys can contribute.

It's time to get real and realize that all your bitching and whining is for your benefit only. No Lions personel are reading this and saying "Uh-oh, the whiners are upset about player x, we'd better cut him."

You short-sightedness and lack of patience would make you two of the worst executives to ever run a team. The fact that you guys open claim to know more than the writers, analysts, GMs, coaches and everyone else involved in the NFL is down-right laughable.

I'm going to watch your job on tv here and there and then start telling you how wrong everything you do is...

Why don't you ever see the positives us glass half full guys say?

Do you intentionally agree but don't post on it?.....Kickalicous is the biggest signing the Lions have had so far and I think he's the right guy to unseceed Akers....(bad signing)....See I'm board with this guy....get on board too or fight me.....


Not Mebert's Alt
Apr 20, 2013
Salt Lake City
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I am not convinced that all of those kicks are real. It does seem like he has a super strong leg though. As long as he maintain accuracy in game situations I am all for him staying.
Apr 20, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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I like the signing of kickalicoius or however u spell it I also think what would it hurt to sign dansby I mean we signed Larry Foote a few years back why not