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Kaepernick should fire his agent


Aug 12, 2012
Hoopla Cash
$ 1,000.00
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Probably these Blue and Green goggles I have on. I am sure he works hard, but those who were in the Smith camp originally, must see that his hard work is not improving his play and that is where I think they lose trust in him and quite possibly Harbs as well since Kaep is his guy.

I have no doubt there is a lot of finger pointing going on in the locker room. Kaeps lack of progression is most likely a point of contention with some. I'm interested to see what happens with Harbs (starting with the Michigan offer). In the end winning cures all. Hopefully they can get healthy, get the off the field drama behind them, and develop as a team this offseason. Kaeps next season will most likely determine how long they keep him. If development is not seen in him I see them cutting ties, or atleast drafting a qb high to groom. Either way, should make for an interesting offseason.. Ugh... I'm talking offseason in December!! :gaah:


Bipedal Sea Dog
Jul 23, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 500.12
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How many people can recall EVERY discussion from the SportsHoopla boards from a year ago?

Anyone? :noidea:

Harold, I have obviously broken a rule. I think a ban is in order. I'll exit with dignity......

lol well obviously nobody responded to you (within a decent timeframe) so you look like a total loser in the process!!!