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Kaepernick Beats


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Aug 19, 2013
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Personally, I'm not in favor of the commercial because I'm tired of Kaepernick commercials and I wish he would just focus on his real job. But that's just me.

But I don't get what Seattle fans have against this. Your team is known to have loud and passionate fans. When opposing teams go play you in Seattle, they can expect to encounter a "hostile crowed", and I mean that in a good way. I wish our stadium and fans could generate the kind of noise and home-field advantage that your team does. You guys pride yourselves in your 12th man, but you don't like the way this commercial depicts your fans giving your biggest rival's QB a hard time? Am I missing something here?

I agree that throwing things at the bus was a little over the top, but c'mon, is that really so violent? Nobody was harmed. They didn't even touch Kaepernick. And actually, if you watch the video closely, as he is walking, he is within arm's length of several Seahawk fans and not one of them touches him or does anything that would be considered violent.

I don't get you guys at all.


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Jul 7, 2013
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Personally, I'm not in favor of the commercial because I'm tired of Kaepernick commercials and I wish he would just focus on his real job. But that's just me.

But I don't get what Seattle fans have against this. Your team is known to have loud and passionate fans. When opposing teams go play you in Seattle, they can expect to encounter a "hostile crowed", and I mean that in a good way. I wish our stadium and fans could generate the kind of noise and home-field advantage that your team does. You guys pride yourselves in your 12th man, but you don't like the way this commercial depicts your fans giving your biggest rival's QB a hard time? Am I missing something here?

I agree that throwing things at the bus was a little over the top, but c'mon, is that really so violent? Nobody was harmed. They didn't even touch Kaepernick. And actually, if you watch the video closely, as he is walking, he is within arm's length of several Seahawk fans and not one of them touches him or does anything that would be considered violent.

I don't get you guys at all.

The commercial isn't a big deal. I wish Bose responded with a commercial with Kaep's headphones wrapped around his face and Kam Chancellor yelling over the top of him but the commercial is no biggeee. :music:


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Apr 21, 2013
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Personally, I'm not in favor of the commercial because I'm tired of Kaepernick commercials and I wish he would just focus on his real job. But that's just me.

But I don't get what Seattle fans have against this. Your team is known to have loud and passionate fans. When opposing teams go play you in Seattle, they can expect to encounter a "hostile crowed", and I mean that in a good way. I wish our stadium and fans could generate the kind of noise and home-field advantage that your team does. You guys pride yourselves in your 12th man, but you don't like the way this commercial depicts your fans giving your biggest rival's QB a hard time? Am I missing something here?

I agree that throwing things at the bus was a little over the top, but c'mon, is that really so violent? Nobody was harmed. They didn't even touch Kaepernick. And actually, if you watch the video closely, as he is walking, he is within arm's length of several Seahawk fans and not one of them touches him or does anything that would be considered violent.

I don't get you guys at all.

It just had an ominous and evil vibe to the whole thing, even if there was no person-on-person violence in it. Even the "weather" (rain, of course) was ominous. We might be loud, but I don't think we're the kinds of fans who would stand up in a moving car to yell and wave signs at a bus or throw things at/bum rush that bus. We're loud and every crowd has some obnoxious "You suck!"-type fans in it, but I think this commercial depicts us as much angrier and much more obnoxious than we actually are as a whole. It's certainly a change from the whole passive-aggressive, depressed reputation we had before, but it's not necessarily a good change. Obviously we love it when the noise rattles opposing players and we want other teams to fear playing here, but not for the reasons depicted in this commercial. The company has already gotten part of what it wanted out of these commercials by getting people talking about them and the product they're selling. If the headphones start selling because of the commercials, it will have been a successful ad campaign, which is really all they care about.


Well-Known Member
Aug 19, 2013
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It just had an ominous and evil vibe to the whole thing, even if there was no person-on-person violence in it. Even the "weather" (rain, of course) was ominous. We might be loud, but I don't think we're the kinds of fans who would stand up in a moving car to yell and wave signs at a bus or throw things at/bum rush that bus. We're loud and every crowd has some obnoxious "You suck!"-type fans in it, but I think this commercial depicts us as much angrier and much more obnoxious than we actually are as a whole. It's certainly a change from the whole passive-aggressive, depressed reputation we had before, but it's not necessarily a good change. Obviously we love it when the noise rattles opposing players and we want other teams to fear playing here, but not for the reasons depicted in this commercial. The company has already gotten part of what it wanted out of these commercials by getting people talking about them and the product they're selling. If the headphones start selling because of the commercials, it will have been a successful ad campaign, which is really all they care about.

Seattle fans are loud and it rains a lot in Seattle. I was under the impression that these were two well-established facts, and no more ominous than necessary.

I've never been to Seattle, but I imagine that if Kaepernick got off the bus and hundreds of Seattle fans are there as he is heading into the locker room, I would expect something similar to what was depicted here. Correct me if I'm wrong. Maybe with the exception of throwing things, but I'd expect a high level of anger and obnoxiousness, no disrespect intended. And I think it would be a lot more than "some" fans giving him the "you suck" comments, and I don't have a problem with that. The Seattle fans in this commercial were loud, energized, and had self-control, which is basically what I would expect from you guys. I didn't see any hint of malevolence in all of this.

But eh, what do I know. :suds:


Trolling 45, it's EASY.
Apr 21, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Seattle fans are loud. but I imagine that if Kaepernick got off the bus and hundreds of Seattle fans are there as he is heading into the locker room, I would expect something similar to what was depicted here. :suds:

Having worked at that Stadium, I can assure you that the players getting off the visiting bus are NO WHERE near any fans. ZERO. The bus let's them off at a loading dock, and they walk thru a roped off and partitioned area heading straight to the locker room. There are no fans anywhere near there when the bus arrives. The roped off area is to keep the workers away from the players, but as workers, they would never say anything at risk of being fired.

I thought the commercial was great, it showed fans as aggressive (overly aggressive, but who cares) and Kaep as passive, but some niner fans will claim composure rather than passive. Whatever.

I got tired of the "all you guys are SOFT" chant, now they know we all are not soft.:suds:


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Apr 18, 2013
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I see nothing wrong with this i think it's funny.

One thing about Kaep i do not think he is a bad guy but i can tell by looking at him he lived a very sheltered life imo,he is young granted but there is innocence and he is being thrust out there with all the media and what not and there will be plenty of groupies that could mess him up if he is not careful.

RW is different,his sometimes calm demeanor is almost somber,i believe this goes back to how he has been underestimated many times and has had to work hard to prove himself,plus there is the passing of his father at a time when big changes were coming in his life.

Both are young and both will make mistakes and both are handling the pressure well for their age.


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Apr 23, 2013
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I see nothing wrong with this i think it's funny.

One thing about Kaep i do not think he is a bad guy but i can tell by looking at him he lived a very sheltered life imo,he is young granted but there is innocence and he is being thrust out there with all the media and what not and there will be plenty of groupies that could mess him up if he is not careful.

RW is different,his sometimes calm demeanor is almost somber,i believe this goes back to how he has been underestimated many times and has had to work hard to prove himself,plus there is the passing of his father at a time when big changes were coming in his life.

Both are young and both will make mistakes and both are handling the pressure well for their age.

Agreed. Both are young and both have handled the pressure in different ways. I think they both have confidence in their talent, but I firmly believe RW has more confidence in himself, as a whole, then Kaep does. He knows he can fix any problem, because he knows he works hard and is honest with himself about his shortcomings. Some people have a better sense of self worth at a younger age, and that may come into play here as well. Could be circumstantial, could be genetic, or could be both. For whatever reason, RW seems more confident in himself. I think Kaep can be just as confident in the future, it just appears right now, he is a bit unsure of himself.


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Jul 16, 2013
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I thought the commercial was offensive. I don't like our community being portrayed like that and I'm sure that any other fan base would feel the same way. It's not reality.


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Jul 16, 2013
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And unless Kaep improves, a more accurate depiction would be 49ers fans throwing crap at his car when he drives into the new stadium they're building.


Well-Known Member
Aug 19, 2013
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Having worked at that Stadium, I can assure you that the players getting off the visiting bus are NO WHERE near any fans. ZERO. The bus let's them off at a loading dock, and they walk thru a roped off and partitioned area heading straight to the locker room. There are no fans anywhere near there when the bus arrives. The roped off area is to keep the workers away from the players, but as workers, they would never say anything at risk of being fired.

I thought the commercial was great, it showed fans as aggressive (overly aggressive, but who cares) and Kaep as passive, but some niner fans will claim composure rather than passive. Whatever.

I got tired of the "all you guys are SOFT" chant, now they know we all are not soft.:suds:

Oh totally agreed. I thought I wrote something about it being unrealistic to let players be that close to opposing fans, but I must have deleted it. But IF fans were allowed close to players, I'd imagine something like this.

And thanks for the first-hand insight.


Well-Known Member
Aug 19, 2013
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And unless Kaep improves, a more accurate depiction would be 49ers fans throwing crap at his car when he drives into the new stadium they're building.

I find that highly unlikely. I've been critical of Kaep, but he's still our QB and I think he has done well enough. Not great, not horrible.


Bill Bergen for HoF!
Apr 17, 2013
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Even Yahoo can see it irritated Seattle. :lol:


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Personally, I'm not in favor of the commercial because I'm tired of Kaepernick commercials and I wish he would just focus on his real job. But that's just me.

But I don't get what Seattle fans have against this. Your team is known to have loud and passionate fans. When opposing teams go play you in Seattle, they can expect to encounter a "hostile crowed", and I mean that in a good way. I wish our stadium and fans could generate the kind of noise and home-field advantage that your team does. You guys pride yourselves in your 12th man, but you don't like the way this commercial depicts your fans giving your biggest rival's QB a hard time? Am I missing something here?

I agree that throwing things at the bus was a little over the top, but c'mon, is that really so violent? Nobody was harmed. They didn't even touch Kaepernick. And actually, if you watch the video closely, as he is walking, he is within arm's length of several Seahawk fans and not one of them touches him or does anything that would be considered violent.

I don't get you guys at all.

The guy is still playing no h is rookie deal so I don't blame him for trying to make some extra money and I wouldn't anyway. He does need to improve his on field performance and I'm hoping getting Crabtree back will help, he seemed to have a good relationship with him last season and losing him has really hurt the passing game this year.


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Dec 7, 2013
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The Beats by Dre commercial was really pretty accurate in retrospect.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MLvyiaXbLs4]Kaepernick Leaving Bus in Seattle NFC Championship Game - YouTube[/ame]


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Jul 15, 2013
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After todays game I am tending to think those are not Seattle fans in the commercial, but SF fans!
They are ready to kill Kaep after today. Many posters on the SF board are calling for his head!
If you watch it from this perspective it suddenly becomes quite funny!:lol:


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Aug 18, 2011
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Yeah you can tell everybody
Go ahead and tell everybody
I'm the Sherman, I'm the Sherman, I'm the Sherman.


LOL at 42-13, 29-3, 19-3
Nov 20, 2012
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Beats by "Dre" is a ongoing joke because whatever interest "Dre" had in the company, he cashed out a majority stake years ago to Taiwan based 'HTC' and the Carlyle private equity group.

They will of course be instantly calling ESPN and the rest of the networks and dropping the commercial space they reserved for the Kraperdick commercials, and re-stuffing it with whoever else they have to rep those jokes. They'll probably be calling Russell Wilson tonight to see if he will do a superbowl spot for them.

These days, "Dre" collects a kings ransom to just have his named slapped on these over-priced headphones marketed to teenagers, while he sits around a Bel-Air mansion laughing at all the suckas.


Bill Bergen for HoF!
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Beats by "Dre" is a ongoing joke because whatever interest "Dre" had in the company, he cashed out a majority stake years ago to Taiwan based 'HTC' and the Carlyle private equity group.

They will of course be instantly calling ESPN and the rest of the networks and dropping the commercial space they reserved for the Kraperdick commercials, and re-stuffing it with whoever else they have to rep those jokes. They'll probably be calling Russell Wilson tonight to see if he will do a superbowl spot for them.

These days, "Dre" collects a kings ransom to just have his named slapped on these over-priced headphones marketed to teenagers, while he sits around a Bel-Air mansion laughing at all the suckas.

Oh, I'm sure we'll see a lot more of the Sherman beats commercial now that the Seahawks are going to the SB, and Sherman is in a controversy with his handling of the media.