Well-Known Member

Wise beyond his years that JJM
But you don't understand!!!!! The bible says so!!!!! Don't you get it????
Everyone's life should be run by a book that some dude thousands of years ago made up. Why is so hard to comprehend about that?![]()
LOL... yep, since we have removed all aspects of God or the word God from our educational institutions, state agencies and everywhere else... I can see how much better off our society has developed.
Not that this little book has any influence on society... but if you can't see the parallel on how things are today vs. 30 years ago (values, morals, ethics) then you are blind or just don't give a shit!
Either way; I don't give a hoot, as I am not here to convert anyone!
If you or anyone else wants’ to :bj: or :hdn: More power to ya!
Hahaha, if anything society has gotten better.There is a big part of that little book of fiction that wants people to love their fellow man and neighbor. Basically, live and let live and don't discriminate. How much discrimination was there 30 years ago? We have come along way for the better!!!!!
As I have heard someone else say before, if the church wants to be so involved in government then we should start taxing churches. Could make a lot of money!!!!
We live in a very diverse society and that is a bad thing? Land of the free and home of the brave. We are free to have our own beliefs so it I impossible to legislate morals and values.
Apparently we should go back to 30 years ago when everything was perfect. Why not go back even farther when black people were slaves and women couldn't vote. Everything was perfect in the past let's never move forward and progress again!!!!!!
Thx Jed and you said it well. Just the other night I was telling my wife that it blows my mind that a man who 50 years ago would of been delegated to the back of the bus and the kitchen of a restaurant is now telling a city council that they should allow others to do this same thing to another human being.
If atheists can get married, gays can.
Thats how i feel
As I cannot disconnect emotionally from this topic, I will only say kudoes to you gentlemen for having the restraint to keep this conversation civil.