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Javedien Clowney and Talor Lewan


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Jul 11, 2013
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Are you really going to compare the best DE in the NFL to a guy that hasn't played a NFL snap? So Clowney runs a faster 40 time. You know Donnie avery ran a faster 40 and shuttle than D Jax. who's the better receiver again? lol. You need to let the combine go and look at game film and where he has actually played.

My question wasn't where the rams would put him, rather, where he has actually played in College. Did he ever line up inside? Play the other side of the line? or dropped back in coverage? etc.
Agreed he could be longs replacement if he works out.

No... its all about teaming up the best DE in football with someone that has a lot more potential than Chris Long. Dont worry jacob,he probably wont be there when we pick anyways. But if he is, who do you think Jeff Fisher will prefer? an olineman/dlineman? you know his track record.

The draft is always a gamble, your boy Wadkins could bust just like Avery. As far as I know Clowney played DE all of his career, but that doesnt mean he wont be moved around in the pros


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Jul 16, 2013
Rochester, NY
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I would be more on board with Clowney (or Mack) at #2 than an OT. Rams need an upgrade at LG and potentially RT, depending on your feelings about Barksdale. Neither are positions you need to address at #2 overall. Sure, they may need a sub LT to start the season, but that's where Saffold comes in. Add that to Fisher's history of not drafting OL in the first round/


Apr 17, 2013
Phoenix, Arizona
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I fellow named Orlando Pace comes to mind there Shopson seeing you are convinced that the O-line is not addressed in the first three positions of round one. Get a talent like O. Pace and your line is set for the next decade. Matthews is close.


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Jul 12, 2013
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No... its all about teaming up the best DE in football with someone that has a lot more potential than Chris Long. Dont worry jacob,he probably wont be there when we pick anyways. But if he is, who do you think Jeff Fisher will prefer? an olineman/dlineman? you know his track record.

The draft is always a gamble, your boy Wadkins could bust just like Avery. As far as I know Clowney played DE all of his career, but that doesnt mean he wont be moved around in the pros

You still failed to answer my questions. See above. :L

It's ok if you don't know or he didn't. I'm not saying he couldn't do those things but assuming a player fits the bill just because of his "potential" is what gets teams into trouble. Sure sometimes you strike at gold and get "lightning in a bottle" but it's few and far between. I have faith that the Rams FO will do their due diligence and pick the best player that fits the Rams.


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Jul 11, 2013
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You still failed to answer my questions. See above. :L

It's ok if you don't know or he didn't. I'm not saying he couldn't do those things but assuming a player fits the bill just because of his "potential" is what gets teams into trouble. Sure sometimes you strike at gold and get "lightning in a bottle" but it's few and far between. I have faith that the Rams FO will do their due diligence and pick the best player that fits the Rams.

what?? I said as far as I know he played DE all of his college career. Do you want me to go back to high school?? If so I believe he at one point was a rb.


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Jul 12, 2013
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what?? I said as far as I know he played DE all of his college career. Do you want me to go back to high school?? If so I believe he at one point was a rb.

Nooooooo, you didn't answer specifics.

Question #1

Does he have experience playing LDE?

Question #2

Did he ever consistently drop back into coverage in college?

Question #3

Did he ever play inside DE in college?

Point is Zeke, is he just a pure pass rusher? Can he play the run well? Is he the type of DE to play at Chris Longs spot on the left side. You know LDE are usually more of a bull rush type of DE.


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Sep 13, 2013
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This current regime will probably trade the 2nd pick and move down a few spots. It appears Fisher wasn't joking during his first draft when he said "we'll never pick this low again." :lol:


Unofficial board GM
May 9, 2013
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Also, I could make the same argument about Donald as you did for Clowney. He will be playing behind Langford and Brockers and a couple more experienced DT's.

Sorry ALR, but you are wrong on that. Donald will be right there next to Brockers week 1 if he is the one selected at #13. You know it, but refuse to admit it. Hell, if they did draft Clowney, Langford is the odd man out..


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Apr 18, 2013
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Im starting to think you have to commit a crime just to be considered into the football league these days...


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Jul 16, 2013
Rochester, NY
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I fellow named Orlando Pace comes to mind there Shopson seeing you are convinced that the O-line is not addressed in the first three positions of round one. Get a talent like O. Pace and your line is set for the next decade. Matthews is close.

I'm convinced THIS COACH will not draft an OT at the top of the first round when they just signed their top free agent LT last year in Jake Long. Long is signed for 2 more years after this upcoming season and he's only 28.

Pace was a great pick, no doubt. The Rams also desperately needed a LT in that draft. If Matthews was close to Pace's level, there would be no one rating Robinson ahead of him and he would be the #1 pick overall.


Politically Incorrect
Oct 11, 2013
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Have to agree Shopson. Matthews is no Orlando Pace. Not even close. If he was then I'd say heck yeah draft him #2. It is a deep draft this year, but other than Clowney or perhaps Bortles, I say trade down because there is nobody worthy of that high a pick. We can get additional picks by trading down and still get quality as well as long as we don't trade ourselves out of the premium range.