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It's like Groundhog day meets the titanic


I'll slap you with my member
Apr 22, 2013
Titties, TX
Hoopla Cash
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And don't start with Fire Fisher, because this mess goes way deeper than the head coach. SUre the team looked very bad, but it would be great to have a floor general or QB that can lead a team or an O-line that can protect.

I am convinced that Fisher is drafting the defensive players and Snead and Co are drafting the offensive players. WHY? Because how in the world does Fisher draft a project OT/OG at #2 overall, when a proven LT Jake Matthews is ready to start and is the son of All-Pro Bruce Matthews who played for Fisher? Plus Donald, Ogletree, and Co are good players.

It's the same offense. Maybe it's a bit better with Bradford but I doubt a lot better. The O-line was a mess. And how long can the defense bailout the offense? How many years can the D take this BS?!!

This organization is loaded with idiots. The last 2 top 10 offensive draft picks barely even played. My guess is Fisher isn't playing Robinson yet because he's not ready yet aka CANT PASS BLOCK.



I'll slap you with my member
Apr 22, 2013
Titties, TX
Hoopla Cash
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I forgot that Jake Matthews is also the cousin of Clay Matthews - LB Green Bay.

Nobody would have ever thought Jake would be a starter day 1 I'm sure.

Just the lack of common sense and large amounts of idiots in this organization just shocks me.


Apr 17, 2013
Phoenix, Arizona
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And if Fisher played and coached with one of the Matthews family and knows the level of professionalism and longevity he was going to get with Matthews, why would they reach on a guy that should have fallen to possibly even the second round? None of it makes any sense. I think there is a division of labor when it comes to drafting as you have stated SJ76 and the two divisions aren't on the same page.


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Jul 16, 2013
Rochester, NY
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What good would Matthews have been? Long is still on this team and the starter at LT. At best, Matthews would've been playing RT. Using the #2 pick on a RT is just as bad as using it on a G truthfully.

Robinson was perceived as the better pick in that he could play LG until he was needed at LT. Unfortunately, he's not ready to do so yet, and of course has everyone skittish with the Rams poor draft choices along the O-line in recent years.


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Apr 20, 2013
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Yeah I'm furious with the past decisions. I said in another post that perhaps the COO, Kevin Demoff, should be let go. I'm not sure if he was here during Spigot's tenure.


I'll slap you with my member
Apr 22, 2013
Titties, TX
Hoopla Cash
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Perceived. By who? Not by me. our high draft pick is on the bench. If you were going to pick a LT, Jake was the sure thing. Everyone knew it. But some people obviously fell in love with robinsons combine. Why I have no idea. His entire career when he actually played in games he mostly run blocked.


I'll slap you with my member
Apr 22, 2013
Titties, TX
Hoopla Cash
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Let's use our highest draft pick on an olineman and teach him how To pass block.

That's brilliant


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Apr 18, 2013
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Let's use our highest draft pick on an olineman and teach him how To pass block.

That's brilliant

or use it on a qb and get him killed. its like a merry go round :gaah:


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Jul 12, 2013
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Robinson or Jake Mathews wouldn't and doesn't make sense. Trading out of 2 and getting Martin would have been the right choice. If the rams love to play musical chairs with the oline like they've done all preseason they should have done it with Martin at least he already knows how to play all 3 positions


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Jul 16, 2013
Rochester, NY
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Robinson or Jake Mathews wouldn't and doesn't make sense. Trading out of 2 and getting Martin would have been the right choice. If the rams love to play musical chairs with the oline like they've done all preseason they should have done it with Martin at least he already knows how to play all 3 positions

Yeah, getting a true guard would've been ideal. Martin would've been a more prudent choice, or they could've picked one in the 2nd or 3rd and picked a LB in the 1st (Mosley or Shazier after trading down, or Khalil Mack at #2). Hell, Bortles would've made more sense.

Hopefully, this awful performance will get Robinson put back in there next week. They may not have a choice if Saffold's injury keeps him out. There's usually a very good reason a former all star G is available for scraps like Joseph; he's awful. Injury may keep Hill out as well, which at least gives the Rams a more mobile option at QB (and gives Davis starter's reps throughout the week).


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May 17, 2012
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After the college season, the 2 players I wanted no part of were Greg Robinson and Clinton Dix. The scouting community thought that Greg Robinson was a significantly better prospect than Matthews. Fisher was obviously just listening to them. Drafting Robinson is on Snead.

Tavon Austin is on Snead and Schottenheimer but mostly Schottenheimer.

If things stay bad all year, I could see firing Schottenheimer and Snead and keeping Fisher and Williams but thats not usually how it works


I'll slap you with my member
Apr 22, 2013
Titties, TX
Hoopla Cash
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If By scouting community you mean the media and whoever likes To ride the hot player and blow people up.... It's laughable.

Plenty of people with a brain, including a few of us in here didn't want Auburn's LT that did nothing but run block In college.

If the scouting community is that stupid, it's no wonder that many teams like the steelers, 49ers, and Seahawks keep distancing themselves from the idiots when it comes to evaluating talent.

You all know who I wanted with the first pick. And i would still take him and zach Martin in the 1st in a heartbeat. I wouldn't have been pissed with Jake Matthews.

When u suck, the key is to load up on solid papers that will start. If Robinson turns into a Jason Smith we are just so screwed again


I'll slap you with my member
Apr 22, 2013
Titties, TX
Hoopla Cash
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I think people forget that last year after Jake Long got hurt, none of us knew who was going to lock down the LT position.

But I was screaming WR and LT so be it.


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May 17, 2012
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You all know who I wanted with the first pick. And i would still take him and zach Martin in the 1st in a heartbeat. I wouldn't have been pissed with Jake Matthews.
The thing about Matthews is that you knew we wasn't going to bust. He might not be the best player in the draft but you could pencil him in as a starter in the league for the next 10 years. Chris Long was a guy like that and thats worked out for us.

Its like our drafting philosophy went from 4 pillars to 0 pillars. We don't need boy scouts on the team but we need grown men.


I'll slap you with my member
Apr 22, 2013
Titties, TX
Hoopla Cash
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Not to mention you didn't know what Jake Long was going to do after an injury. We still don't. Let's call it what it is... A reach for Robinson. Matthews was stout for years at A&M. One guy comes along and Auburn has 1 good year, then Greg Rob has a good combine.

putting Jake Matthews at LT and Long at RT and having depth there would not have bothered me one bit.
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I'll slap you with my member
Apr 22, 2013
Titties, TX
Hoopla Cash
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Just think if we had Sammy Watkins, no Britt and Zach Martin.

Even if we did stink this year with no QB, you add Winston or
Marriotta with Watkins, Tavon, and now Quick coming along? Bailey coming back?

This FO has Zero vision for the future. It's all impulse decisions - at least on offense!


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May 17, 2012
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Not to mention you didn't know what Jake Long was going to do after an injury. We still don't. Let's call it what it is... A reach for Robinson. Matthews was stout for years at A&M. One guy comes along and Auburn has 1 good year, then Greg Rob has a good combine.
It wasn't a reach, though. Robinson was a consensus guy like Jason Smith. I just think that there is more to drafting than just what the scouts see. The player has to play the game to develop and we are picking guys that dont have enough skills to make it on to the field to develop in the first place. There is a floor that you must meet, imo, before potential matters and Robinson wasn't there yet.


I'll slap you with my member
Apr 22, 2013
Titties, TX
Hoopla Cash
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Robinson was a consensus guy like Jason Smith. I just think that there is more
to drafting than just what the scouts see. The player has to play the game to
develop and we are picking guys that dont have enough skills to make it on to
the field to develop in the first place. There is a floor that you must meet,
imo, before potential matters and Robinson wasn't there yet.

Clayton I have to disagree with you on the first part and you actually contradict yourself here. But overall I agree with you if that makes any sense.

It was the consensus by who the Rams? The media? The truth is, we have no idea if Robinson or Smith would have been drafted in the top 10 or not. They both came out of nowhere, which is a red flag to me if I have a team I am rebuilding. If you watch these guys play all year - and I have and do, because I love college football. It's not hard to spot the great ones.

The Rams haven't had the luxury of developing players. And if you really break it down, how many teams EVER draft project players period? And if they do it's in the 4th round or lower. We draft them every chance we get!! The Rams problem is they don't even have an identity. They don't know who they are or where they are going. They say they are a run team.. but how many years have we watched them abandon the run? And they draft a run blocking LT/LG/bench warmer?

It may have been "consensus" or the over-hyped pick by the media and fans, but I guarantee you there were plenty of teams that SAW WHAT WE ON THIS BOARD SAW. It's not rocket science. The guy was on a team that went from worst to first in 1 season and all they did was run the ball.

It doesn't take a mad scientist to figure out the guy MAY have trouble pass blocking in a NFL game situation.

Look at the last draft... Did Joyner play a lot yesterday? Mo Alexander? Robinson we know didn't. Gilbert? Who am I leaving out? And Joyner, MO, G ROB are all freaking projects.

It's insanity. Every stinking year, it's the same Bullshit. Last year was the earliest I started looking at the draft because we started so bad. This year it's even earlier, but NOW I can't even look because no matter how good our picks are, THE FO WILL FUCK THEM UP!

These people should be tied up and left in Ferguson for 1 night. They will then realize to keep things simple and stop being so flipping cute.
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Well-Known Member
May 17, 2012
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These people should be tied up and left in Ferguson for 1 night. They will then realize to keep things simple and stop being so flipping cute.
Thats kinda the sad part is that they are seeing things that arent there. The average college football fan could draft better than the Rams the past 5 years and the pathetic part is that it was even worse before that.


I'll slap you with my member
Apr 22, 2013
Titties, TX
Hoopla Cash
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Just sent this email to Kevin Demoff:


Is there any vision for this team? I honestly couldn't sleep last night - just confused on how an organization can be so lost. I'm not putting all of this on you, but someone needs a serious wedgy for this mess. Our offense has been dismal for years. YEARS. I just don't get drafting all these projects for a team that has been so lousy for 10 years. We need whatI call the college football the sure thing. Greg Robinson was a run blocker at Auburn. How much did he pass block? 10% of the year? Had 1 good year? You pass on Jake Matthews who has been a rock at A&M for 3 years AND who's dad played for Fisher? Taylor Lewan? Sammy Watkins? All great players in college for at least 2 years and dominated! Zach Martin would have been nice with Watkins I can tell you that, especially if you all end up being to get Marriota or Winston in 2015.

You all draft UP to get Tavon Austin and he can't run block. Tavon is barely even on the field because HE'S A SLOT GUY. The defensive picks have been pretty solid, but hell.. when you have so many picks you will eventually find some solid players. WHO IS PICKING THESE OFFENSIVE PLAYERS? The Rams can't afford to get cute with ALL OF THE PICKS THEY'VE HAD. And we still can't score points. Even after so many draft picks.

SO Bradford went down.. Again. I get you all didn't draft him, but how many continuous years can you all afford to strike out on top 10 offensive picks? Last year, you pick 2 defensive players with your first 3 picks? After being ranked 27th in the NFL on offense? You draft Joyner a nickel CB in the 2nd? Then a Project safety?

I will help this organization for free. I'm just being honest here - I make 4 times what you pay scouts and watch/research/pay attention to college football more than anyone you have in that organization and I have a full time job in the Oil industry. I checked with Jim Steiner on what scouts make.

So I guess my question here is: How do you assess what the Rams needs are? Because everything many of us FANS have watched for years is a POOR offense. I would have thought the 2014 draft would have been focused on offense and when it wasn't, I was cross-eyed. Do you know how many years/games I have been cheering for the defense to get a pick 6 so we can actually score?
