Well-Known Member
Isis is catching on by only asking hisl. She knows the rest of us would just say boobs
lol REP hahaha (.)(.)Isis is catching on by only asking hisl. She knows the rest of us would just say boobs
Welcome back HuskerFan8807 (although I'm just kind of a lurker )
Dear HISL I have a question. What will being repped get a person? Is it popularity? Or do you win a prize? I'm just curious of the importance.
Well I have boobs so I don't need them. What does a woman get out of this deal? (Maybe I shouldn't ask)
Please don't ask.
Not a damn thing
Really it was a measure of the quality of your posts originally and looks like 8807 is still at that point (was). In theory if someone thinks you post something worthy they positive rep you, non-worthy negative rep. In reality just being on some boards get your rep astronomical.
So it's just something to have fun with now and to get under some posters skin if negged
Rep = size of epeen
I used to have thee 2nd biggest.....
I must be in cold water en sech...
Rep = size of epeen
( . Y .)
the left one looks a little smaller than the right...i like things in proportion.