Well-Known Member
Is this the chair they sell at IKEA for the Penguins, Capitals, Sharks and Canucks?

In the spirit of games like "Dead of Canadian" comes the new game... Ikea Furniture or Hockey Player?Below are 10 pairs of names. For each pair, one is a hockey player and the other is something one can purchase at Ikea (no cheating).
Quote the post and put an *asterik in front of the name you believe to be the HOCKEY PLAYER. Good luck. I'll check back later to deliver answers. To make it fair (and funnier), quote and answer BEFORE you look at what others put.
*Holtby ---- Sandby
*Tommernes ---- Hemnes
Husvik ---- *Dahlen
*Almtorp ---- Ektorp
Dudero ---- *Duba
Isala ---- *Frk
*Zizka ---- Gavik
Husvik ---- *Hejduk
*Hora ---- Besta
Soderberg ---- *Soderhamn