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I thought Jim Harbaugh's guy were "above reproach"

Mr. Tacoma

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Aug 3, 2013
Richmond VA
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Talking more about if you think you killed someone.

And not saying I would do that or that DeSean even knew the law (hell I don't drink and drive). Was just saying...

And a DUI without fleeing the scene and injury gives you a felony... even in Virginia. Only 10 days jail time and misdemeanor is applicable for DUI without injury to others. That 10 days jail time can also be increased by certain circumstances.

No matter how you slice or dice it, you'll be much worse off legally for fleeing the scene. At least here in Virginia, I can't speak for California.


Bipedal Sea Dog
Jul 23, 2013
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No matter how you slice or dice it, you'll be much worse off legally for fleeing the scene. At least here in Virginia, I can't speak for California.

Well if that's the case, then that's the right law.


Jul 4, 2013
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I don't think he's condoning it. What he's saying (and I agree with him) is if you are dumb enough to drink and drive and then accidently clip someone on a bike you are already in big trouble. Leaving the scene is terrible but if you're already in big trouble you may as well go home or to a bar and start drinking because then they can't get you for the DUI part, just the hit and run part. It's douchey, there is no argument about that, but if you are trying to minimize how much trouble you're in it's about the best option you got.

And if there are witnesses ( California is quite populated) around that saw you swerving all over the road before you hit someone then what's your argument? "Oh I didn't mean to hit him, but I had to flee the scene to go get wasted then what?

Or how about traffic cams? They do do forensic work if you decide to flee the scene. They may even try to hit you with attempted vehicular homicide.
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Livin' la vida loca
Apr 21, 2013
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And if there are witnesses ( California is quite populated) around that saw you swerving all over the road before you hit someone then what's your argument? "Oh I didn't mean to hit him, but I had to flee the scene to go get wasted then what?

Or how about traffic cams? They do do forensic work if you decide to flee the scene. They may even try to hit you with attempted vehicular homicide.

I'm not saying anyone should do it. Just that DUI can't be proven if they don't catch you until after you've made it home or a bar and are drinking. Witnesses or Traffic Cams can tell you were swerving but that doesn't prove you were drunk. You could have dropped a cigarette in your lap or thought you saw a dog or almost any excuse you want. Without the breathalyser or blood sample from when you were driving they can assume you were probably drinking and driving but wouldn't be able to prove at what limit. Its only about what is provable and if they pull you out of your house while your slugging back a bottle of Jack they can prove that you are drunk but they can't prove when you became drunk. Like I said, it still makes you a douche but it can save you from the DUI part of the crime if nothing else.

This thread has taken a left turn. :lol: