ND 14 UM 45
I understand the NFL can terminate players at any point they like. All well and good, it's business. But if you sign a 5 year deal play it out. If Johnson wanted a new deal after 3 years, sign a 3 year deal originally.
Yes i understand he has earned a bigger payday from on the field performance. But if you have ever read any of his tweets(especially blasting the fans and calling them racists, because they told him to end the holdout) he should be thankful he is an NFL player. Based on his tweets his other job options would most likely be....
1. Cab/Bus Driver
2. Crackhead
3. Armed Robber
4. Crackhead
5. Poster child for staying in college
6. Crackhead
7. Maple Leafs GM
You forgot to mention Crackhead.