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- #1,381
"dips" my man
And that shit is embalming fluid
Oh yeah, that some fucked up shit
this is a lie....he is just trying to prove how jooish he really is....but he most certainly has a man named winford drive him around
But you can't call him a liar.
Okay..so you didn't start preaching about what cigarettes do to the body and the other dangers associated with smoking? Want the quote? want my reply of "we all took 8th grade health too" quoted again?
This would be the textbook definition of getting on ones "soapbox"...
Face it...you don't like having done to you what you were doing yourself...
that's the text book definition of "hypocrite".
And anyone that admits to drinking "7-8 drinks every night but saturdays" is a drunk by any acceptable definition...
i dunno what it was....but we were some paranoid motherfuckers thats for sure...thats the day i stopped smoking weed furnished by people i dont actually know...friends of my friends dont cut it.
"rock, for threeeeeeeeee....YES!"
Why I am me and you are well, you #450:
I didn't get wealthy by paying someone $50,000 with benefits to sit around and wait for my 20 block ride home.
Only use car service when needed.
Not trying hard ****!
You went ape shit about three people killed by a bomb... litterally tens of thousands killed and lives ruined each year from drinking and driving and you are bragging about it.
You are trying too hard to be mr. cool and you are a moron.
Seriously! Can you show me the number of smoking related vehicular homicides for the last ten years?
Number of cases of spousal abuse from "he came home one night all hopped up on cigarettes and beat me"
But, drinking is cool...
also, maybe the reason you are a fat fuck (yes, 6'1" and 250 is fat no matter how big boned you are) is cause you are having multiple beers on the way home.
you know what that extra weight is doing to your body? In this age with all the information, one would have to be an utter fuck tard to let themselves get that obese!
Your heart is doing twice the work of a normal heart - keep lecturing about cigarettes Snoog LaLane
PCP was the drug Rodney King was on during the infamous arrest. It makes people kinda crazy. Makes their skin irritable so the dumbasses often strip down and walk around naked. Also makes them oblivious to pain, which is why it took 8 cops to take down Rodney King. The liberal media conveniently omitted that part.
Stating facts and asking "why would you elect to do this to yourself?" is not "preaching"...
Preaching would be "you need to stop doing this now, what's wrong with you!"
What I did was ask why someone would elect to do that to them self...
But you know that.
fucking christ...its not really embalming fluid is it
The guy who says "don't blame the gun for the actions of the man" is blaming the alcohol for the actions of the man!!!!
Based off your description, I smoked the same shit, dipped in embalming fluid.
Smoked on my back deck on staten island. Neighbor calls the cops claiming someone was breaking in my house, cops come in, guns drawn, me and 5 buddies playing playstation, high on that shot. Terrifying ordeal, never touched it again
Based off your description, I smoked the same shit, dipped in embalming fluid.
Smoked on my back deck on staten island. Neighbor calls the cops claiming someone was breaking in my house, cops come in, guns drawn, me and 5 buddies playing playstation, high on that shot. Terrifying ordeal, never touched it again
Based off your description, I smoked the same shit, dipped in embalming fluid.
Smoked on my back deck on staten island. Neighbor calls the cops claiming someone was breaking in my house, cops come in, guns drawn, me and 5 buddies playing playstation, high on that shot. Terrifying ordeal, never touched it again
snoogins, you are an alcoholic
7-8 drinks a night and the need to drink while you are on the pike...is alcoholism
Yeah....you're not rich. You just like to pretend you are. We all get it now.
Your millions are as real as Snoogins children.