Active Member
sure as shit does for me
it also makes me funnier and more handsome
must have never posted high before then
sure as shit does for me
it also makes me funnier and more handsome
pssst...he said that after I posted that...
and it would require me believing him....someone who drinks that much, that often never gets behind the wheel to make a quick packy run? Bullshit...
On days when I drive, I have a couple drinks on my ride home.
But I don't crack the first sip until I'm on the highway.. and i've researched it... A person with my size (6'1, 250) can actually drink four drinks in an hour and not be over the limit.
I think there is some strong evidence of heroin destroying ones entire existence
In other words, you're real sensitive to Everything...
What, drinking themselves into an early grave?
Want the statistics of teen alcohol abuse from teens that grow up in a house with a drunk?
"You should have your kids taken from you"
What I'd say if I were on soapbox like you....
On days when I drive, I have a couple drinks on my ride home.
But I don't crack the first sip until I'm on the highway.. and i've researched it... A person with my size (6'1, 250) can actually drink four drinks in an hour and not be over the limit.
A person with my size (6'1, 250) can actually drink four drinks in an hour and not be over the limit.
Ok, so we can add Down's cigarette addiction to the list of things he cant' discuss rationally...
Right after you provide a link to me saying "black" and "fag" are interchangeable AND another one saying they're interchangeable in all circumstances...If you can't provide the link, provide the explanation for the whining about it for over a week now
You've been on a real roll lately...
First it was my daughter is "likely gay because she's a good soccer player"
Then it was "Led Zeppelin didn't write Whole Lotta Love by Led Zeppelin"
Today it's "People who smoke weed don't beat their wives and always drive slow"
Sure he is...Have you heard him speak in the last 10 years?
Ok, so we can add Down's cigarette addiction to the list of things he cant' discuss rationally...
sure as shit does for me
it also makes me funnier and more handsome
You feel like you aren't breaking the speed limit because you're fucking stoned...Look down at the speedometer once in a while when you're high...
Don't forget to look back up at the road!!!
"I don't drink and drive...I just drink while I'm driving...l"
Brilliant shit right there folks...
"I don't drink and drive...I just drink while I'm driving...l"
Brilliant shit right there folks...
That would be 4 ounces of alcohol. Burnoff rate is .015/hour. No way in hell you are under the limit if you drink four one ounce drinks in one hour.
link was posted pages ago. I'd say 3 pages, but if it was 4 pages ago, I dont want to play your semantics game.
your turn, liar