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Has Rodger Saffold finally found his spot


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Apr 22, 2013
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The guy was a beast at right guard of late. Gotta give credit where credit is due!


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Apr 30, 2013
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Well, let's just hope that HE realizes that and decides to stay put. You can bet his price tag will go up, though.


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Jul 12, 2013
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Dude we have to resign this guy. I have a feeling he'll stay healthy at Guard. He seems to get injured in space and playing guard doesnt result in a lot of quick movement. He's been playing in beast mode since he's been playing guard. Also apparently he's been talked to by the Rams coaching staff, they're saying they would like to retain him @ guard and resign him. Not sure if he'll want to test the market. He could either get top Guard money or mid to low LT money.
THey should tell him you could be a pro bowler Guard or an ok LT.


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He's a pro bowl caliber Guard or a slightly below average tackle. Yeah, keep him at Guard and if he wants tackle money...eh...


Apr 17, 2013
Phoenix, Arizona
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Make up the difference between the two positions in the signing bonus and he'll stay.


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Jul 11, 2013
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You watch, we will let him walk. He will probably go to a division rival. Come back to haunt us when he is on a team that goes to a super bowl and we will just add this to the giant list of Ram fuc*^$ ups. There.... I am done venting now!! Merry Christmas!


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zeke, please.........you're probably right :L


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I agree with retro, re-sign him to an extention for right guard for better money and he might just stay. Do it before the draft and we will know for sure.


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Long, (new LG), Jones/Barnes, Saffold, Barksdale................fuckin impressive.


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Apr 23, 2013
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I would like to see him at guard next year for the full year. It's hard to evaluate how good he will be based on the few teams he has gone against. Maybe if he would of been there early in the year we might have won a game or two more, but than again he may have sucked against those teams. That's what is so hard to judge, everyone was saying how great our oline and running game was going, ut we were going against a few of the worst defensive lines in the league.
We need a full body of work from these guys, we can't constantly have guys in and out of the lineup, and some guys shine against a crappy team and then someone else looks like crap against a good team.
It's the same thing with our WR, tough to have good games against tough defenses, then try someone else down the road against a bad Defense, you are learning nothing about what you do have then!
Let them play, good, bad, or whatever, let's see what we have!


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Jul 12, 2013
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I would like to see him at guard next year for the full year. It's hard to evaluate how good he will be based on the few teams he has gone against. Maybe if he would of been there early in the year we might have won a game or two more, but than again he may have sucked against those teams. That's what is so hard to judge, everyone was saying how great our oline and running game was going, ut we were going against a few of the worst defensive lines in the league.
We need a full body of work from these guys, we can't constantly have guys in and out of the lineup, and some guys shine against a crappy team and then someone else looks like crap against a good team.
It's the same thing with our WR, tough to have good games against tough defenses, then try someone else down the road against a bad Defense, you are learning nothing about what you do have then!
Let them play, good, bad, or whatever, let's see what we have!

Totally agree with you on this.........

Like against the Cardinal's. For some reason they decided to put Dahl back in @ guard when Saffold looked much better the two previous games before that. Even Saffold said after the game, "we changed up positions from Tackle to Guard and I had a hard time getting into a rhythm."

I will say this too, every game Saffold has started at Guard the announcers have praised his play showing him getting to the second level and dominating his man. If I were the Rams I would leave him in at Guard for the rest of the year and start negotiations with him as long as he stays healthy. If we let him walk it will just be another hole for us to fill in the offseason.


Apr 17, 2013
Phoenix, Arizona
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Don't forget two very big, young, and decent guards in their own right lurking on our roster and they are both Saffold/Williams size, not Dahl's size. Those two I am referring to are Brandon Washington, 6'4, 320lbs and Shelly Smith, 6'4, 325lbs. Smith has played more than Washington but both Boudreau considers good enough to start. I think Dahl's days are done as are Wells' and Williams is is inconsistent.

So, whomever we add to the mix via the draft is going to be an even bigger and I think better O-line going into next year because our ace-in-the-hole is not a player. It is O-line coach Paul Boudreau who is this Ram's version of Hudson Houck or Jim Hanifen, the last two great O-line coaches the Rams have had dating back to the days of LA and the likes of Jackie Slater, Dennis, Harrah, Rich Saul and Adam Tmmerman to name a few.

Boudreau can take any lineman considered also-rans by other clubs and turn them into pretty good lineman. Case(s) in point, nearly every O-lineman we now have. So, I am looking forward to see our O-line gets better and keeping Saffold at guard would be a good start even though he is not very good at tackle.


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Apr 23, 2013
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Don't forget two very big, young, and decent guards in their own right lurking on our roster and they are both Saffold/Williams size, not Dahl's size. Those two I am referring to are Brandon Washington, 6'4, 320lbs and Shelly Smith, 6'4, 325lbs. Smith has played more than Washington but both Boudreau considers good enough to start. I think Dahl's days are done as are Wells' and Williams is is inconsistent.

So, whomever we add to the mix via the draft is going to be an even bigger and I think better O-line going into next year because our ace-in-the-hole is not a player. It is O-line coach Paul Boudreau who is this Ram's version of Hudson Houck or Jim Hanifen, the last two great O-line coaches the Rams have had dating back to the days of LA and the likes of Jackie Slater, Dennis, Harrah, Rich Saul and Adam Tmmerman to name a few.
Boudreau can take any lineman considered also-rans by other clubs and turn them into pretty good lineman. Case(s) in point, nearly every O-lineman we now have. So, I am looking forward to see our O-line gets better and keeping Saffold at guard would be a good start even though he is not very good at tackle.

Retro, I know you said " to name a few" but how dare you leave off Tom Mack. We will never see that again in our lifetime, especially with these Rams. 3 offensive lineman that made the HOF starting on the same line, and that dosent even include Charlie Cowan and Ken Iman.


Apr 17, 2013
Phoenix, Arizona
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Yea I know Smed55. I should have included all the guys including Mack, Cowan, Iman, and the rest of the great ones under Hanifen that went to the bowl. The spirit was willing but the flesh is weak. I just got done with work... ...blah,blah,blah. Next time I'll include them all so the folks and you are not offended. lol.


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Apr 23, 2013
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Yea I know Smed55. I should have included all the guys including Mack, Cowan, Iman, and the rest of the great ones under Hanifen that went to the bowl. The spirit was willing but the flesh is weak. I just got done with work... ...blah,blah,blah. Next time I'll include them all so the folks and you are not offended. lol.

Retro, I kid with you, yes? Sad thing is, today's Ram fans will never know what it's like to have an All-Pro, HOF type offensive line. It's a stretch to find one guy that might be like that in todays game, let alone we had so many all Pro's on those past teams, let alone to have 3 HOF on one line, in addition to a couple other All Pro's.

I'm sounding like my parents, but it was so much better in the old days, and not just football!:suds:


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Sep 13, 2013
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The OL has been better with him at RG and Barnes at C. However, he will probably go elsewhere so he can be a starting tackle. Maybe not LT but I think someone will sign him to play RT. When he was moved over to LT when Long went down a few games ago he actually looked better than Long in that game. If another team wants him as a tackle no way he re-signs here.


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Jul 12, 2013
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money talks.... If he get offered 6-7 mil to play tackle on a lousy team and 6-7 mil to play guard on an ascending team..........hard to say.

I seriously doubt he'll ever get 6-7 mil. He hasn't played a full season since his first.