OK. That game absolutely ruled! My son and I were talking about it almost the whole way home.
A few things - We got there early and saw Sanchez taking grounders like I said earlier. I couldn't give an in-depth review because the I posted my thoughts on my iPhone. Not an easy place to post. Anyway, the kid has a decent IF glove for being a catcher and he cleanly fielded a number of bad hops. What surprised me was that even though he is right-handed, he had to spin to throw the ball to second after fielding a grounder behind first. It just looked awkward. Granted, it was batting practice, but a right-handed 1B should be able to start a 3-6-1 DP (assuming hte pitcher covers the return throw) without having to spin around.
Onto the game. We were sitting down the 1B line, so I could not see what Volquez was throwing to Posey. But never in his time in the majors have I seen Posey look so bad at the plate in consecutive at-bats. We all know that there are just some pitchers that hitters cannot see, so I am going to assume that Posey just has issues with what Volquez deals and move on.
Belt - poor kid just looked defeated at the plate all night long. He was fouling pitches that he should have hit and waving meekly at pitches he should not have offered at in the first place.
Despite the fact that Volquez shut down the Giants from the second inning on, the boys never once looked like they were giving up. The defense last night was amazing. The grab that The Riot made on Quentin's smash was incredible. Crawford's relay to first reminded me of Jose Uribe and Panda's groin-strain grab of the ball out of the dirt was something I never thought I'd see from a man so overweight.
Pagan - HOLY SHIT. I know that Blanco's grab helped save Cain's perfecto, so it mas more important, but just on the individual play alone, Pagan's was probably a better catch. What made it more enjoyable was the fact that he immediately had the smarts to get the ball back to Craw so the Giants completed the double play. After the second out, when Quentin slammed down his helmet, a bunch of us down the 1B line started giving Quentin a bunch of crap for his antics. So awesome.
Finally, a little tid-bit on the crowd. There were a couple of dudes dressed up that were sitting a few rows in front of us. One was dressed in an orange suit that covered his entire body and his face. The other is the one that stuck with me. He was wearing a cow costume and held a sign that said "Melk Me" on it. It seemed a bit homo-erotic and I really wanted to ask him if he realized the implications of his sign.
All in all, it was one of the best games I have seen in a long time and it makes up for the fact that I bought tickets to the Giants-Astros game the day AFTER Cain's perfecto.