EpicVoidfield 2-0
ColinColby 1-0
Filo 1-0
DK7000 3-1
GiantsPackersChamps 7-4
tzill 11-8
MSG 1-1
Stokes 3-4
SFGiantsRBest 2-3
Cal 1-4
Mays-Fan 0-2
Freeport22 0-2
On a "games behind" basis, with pctg as a tie-breaker (as in most published standings):
GiantsPackersChamps 7-4
tzill 11-8
DK7000 3-1
ColinColby 1-0
Filo 1-0
MSG 1-1
Stokes 3-4
SFGiantsRBest 2-3
Mays-Fan 0-2
Freeport22 0-2
Cal 1-4
Anything to get me out of last place. :rollseyes: